Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/571

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ROBERTS. 535 (5) Loiiis 'Wilfritl Guise, bar.-at-law i.T. 1877, advocate high court of judicature Bomba.v ; b. (6) Ernest Hem-y, lieut. Bengal s.c, 85th regt.; b. 30 June, 1857. (7) ■SVilfrid Theodore, b. [3] Charles Forbes, Bengal C.S. 1844,75; b. 17 Jan. 1824; m.— 7 Aug. 1849, Flora EUzabeth, dau. of J Baker, Esq. of Bengal medical service; she d. 21 April, 1859, leaving 3 sons, (1) Charles James, financial department X.W.P. India; b. 18 Feb. 1853. (2) John Thurlow, police department, Bengal C.S.; b. 26 April, 1856. (3) Harrv Morland, opium depai'tment, Bengal C.s.; b. 11 Oct. 1857." yix. FORBES Rivett-Carxac ui. 2ndly— 14 June, 1865, Isabel Stannus, dau. of late Major Alexander Gordon, Madras army, and has 3 sons and 3 daus. (4) Gordon Forbes, b. 9 June, 18G6.— (5) Se-mour Gordon, b. 24 Feb. 1868.— (6) Colin Gordon, b. 16 Nov. 1881.— (7) Flo- rence Annie Gordon. — (8) Winifred Gordon. — (9) Muriel Gordon, b. 15 May, 1879. [4] Anna Maria, m. 21 Dec. 1843, to Robert Broim, of Kiver- uells, Hants, M.D. Indian army; he d. 22 Mar. 1878, having had with other issue a son and 3 daus. (1) Robert Edward Rivett BROrx, b. 13 Mar. 1850. (2) Anna Maria Jane. (3) Minnie Helen. (4) Edith Henrietta, m. 8 Aug. 1878, to William Pelham- Clay, and has a son. b. 18 Jan. 1880.— A son, b. 12 April, 1881. [5] Henrietta, m. 13 June, 1848, to Francis Edward, 3rd son of late Sir John W. Gviise, Bart. [6] Frances. ROBERTS, Sir Randal Rowland (1809, tj.k.), late 38th regt. major London Irish vols. 1870/2, served in the Crimea and Indian mutiny, knight of the iron cross of Germany; s. his father as 4th Baronet in 1864 ; b. 28 Mar. 1836 ; m. 14 Jxine. 1858, Mary, dau. of late Col. Sydney Turnbull, Bombay art. and has had with other issue a son and 2 daus. (1) Walton Howland, b. 2 Mar. 1859. (2) Lina Marion. (3) Beatrice Sydney Margaret Jane. Arms— Az. on a chevron arg. cottised or, three mullets of six points pierced sa. Crest— On a mount vert an eagle erm. wings displayed arg. accolled with a chaplet of ivy ppr. MOTTO — Post funera virtus. Hinfagr. SIR THOMAS ROBERTS, of Brightfieldstow-n. co. Cork, and of Glassenbury, Kent (son of Randall Roberts, and grandson of Thomas Roberts, of Brightfieldsto■«^l). created a B.iROXET 20 Sept. 1809; b. 27 May, 1738; d. 1817, having m. 1st — 24 Se)3t. 1765, Amy, dau. and coheir of William Johnson, Esq. of Lizard, co. Limerick, and had -ith other issue a son and 2 daus. (1) Sir Walter, s. as 2nd Baronet. (2) Martha, m. to Rev. John Cramer, afterwards Rev. John Cramer-Roberts, of Sallymount, co. Kildare, having assumed by R.L. the additional surname and arms of Roberts. His grand- son. Right Rev. Francis Alexander Cramer-Roberts, bishop of Kassau (COGHiLL— Bart.) ! (3) Elizabeth, m. to William Baker, of Lismacue, co. Tipperarv. SIR THOMAS m. 2ndly— 23 Dec. 1806, Ann. dau. of Thomas Walton, Esq. of Walton Court, co. Cork, and had a sun and dau. (4) Thomas Walton, of Glassenbury Castle, Kent, j.p. (on roll for high sheriff 1878), hon. col. 5th a.b. Kent R.v. ; b. 1809. (5) Georgiana, m. to John Drew Atkin, of DubUn. SIR WALTER, 2nd Baronet, b. 13 Nov. 1779 ; d. 9 Deo. 1828, having m. 1 Mar. 1801, Catherine Hodgson, dau. of Rev. Ednnmd Gilbert, •s'icar of Constantine, &c. Cornwall ; she d. 4 Aug. 1853, ha^■ing had with other issue 2 sons and 3 daus. [1] Sir Thomas Howland, s. as 3rd Baronet. [2] Edmund Gilbert, rector of Glanville Wootton, Dorset ; b. 8 Dec. 1810; d. 25 Mar. 1857, having m. 12 July, 1836, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Major Joyce, of Teignmouth, and had with other issue 2 sous and a dau. (1) Thomas Langdon. capt. London Irish R.V. ; b. 17 April, 1840 ; m. 21 Feb. 1862, Emlyn, youngest dau. of late Capt. Thomas Moor, of Canterbury, E.I.C.S. (2) Herbert, of Cape mounted rifles. (3) Catherine EUza. [3] Anne Gilbert, d. 30 Dec. 1881 (aged 81 ?). having m. 4 Jan. 1837, to Rev. David Perkins, D.D. vicar of Dawlish, Devon. [4] Amy Martha, d. 13 July, 1878, aged 76. [5] Eliza, m. to H Torrens, Indian C.s. SIR THOMAS HOWLAND, 3rd Baronet, liigh sheriff co. Cork 1837; b. 4 Nov. 1804; d. 1 Mar. 1864, having m. 1st— 30 Oct. 1834, EUza Caroline, 2nd dau. of John Bushy Maitland, of Eccles, Dumfries, JI.P. ; she d. 3/30 Oct. 1838, lea-(-ing an only son, (1) Sir Randall Howland, 4th and present Baronet. SIR THOMAS m. 2ndly— 14 June, 1842 (Gents. Mag.), Anne Elliott, only cliild of William Langdon, R.N. of Henstridge, Somerset (she re-m. 20 June, 1866, to Francis W Lascelles, late Madras C.S.), and had 2 sons and a dau. (2) Howland. capt. R.A. 1876; b.25 Feb. 1842 (army list). (3) Walworth Howland, lieut. London Irish R.V.; b. 1855. (4) Florence Maria, m. 13 Oct. 1869. to Eaton Monins Lascelles, Esq. (3rd son of Rowlev Lascelles, Esq. of Pencraig), who d. s. p. 16 Mar. 1871. ROBERTS, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Frederick, Ba- ronet, so created 11 June, 1881, v.c. (1858), G.C.B. (1880), CLE. (1880), R.A. major-gen. in the army, commanding troops in Maclj'as pre,sidency -ith local rank of lieut.-gen 1881, ex-officio member of council Madras 1881, miUtary member council of gov.-gen. of India 1881, gov. and com.-in-chief of the colony of Natal, gov. and com.-in-chief of the Ti-ansvaa'l pro-vince, and h.m. high commissioner for South-Eastern Africa 7 Mar. 1881, commanded Cabul field force 1879,80, terminating in the memorable march from Cabul to Candahar in relief of that place, and the subsequent victoiy over Ayoob Khan, local lieut.-gen. Affghanistan 1879, com- manded force which took Cabul in 2nd Affghanistan campaign 1879, and commanded Kuram field force during 1st Affghan campaign 1878 9, K.C.B. 1879,