Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/720

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G84 BARONET A GE—CHA OS. heir of Robert Ker, of Kersland, Ayrshire, by whom he had 2 sons. His descendant (?) in the 6th generation, HEW CRAWFL'RD, of Jordanhill (son of Hew, TV.S. who d. 8 Feb. 1756), served heir to his father 8 Sept. 1756, and on 19 July, 1765 (the baronetcy having been dormant since 1661?), served heir male to the said Sir John Crawfnrd, Bart, of Kilbirny, had a grant of supporters 11 Sept. 1765 " and was authorised to assume the baronetcy " 1 ; d. 1 July, 1794, having m. Robina, dau. of Capt. John Pollok, of Balgray, and granddan. of Sir Robert Pollok. 1st Baronet, and eventu- ally succeeded to the estates of that family, her issue to assume the additional surname of Pollok in compliance with the terms of entail; shed. 1820, having had with other issue 2 sons, (1) Robert Crawfurd-Pollok (3rd Baronet), d. s. p. 7 Aug. 1845, having m. the only dau. of Dr.Mushet,of York, physician- sen, to tlie armv in Germany. (2) Hew, capt." in the ai-my; d. 25 Dec. 1842, having m. Jane, dau. of William Johnstone, Esq. of Headfort, co. Leitrim ; she d. having had, with other issue, a son and 3 daus. /I/ Hew, succeeded. 121 Jane. /3/ Mary. /4/ Anne. HEW CRAWFURD-POLLOK (4th Baronet); b. 1794; d. 5 JIar. 1867, having m. 1839, EUzabeth Oswald, dau. of Matthew Dunlop, of and had a son and dau. /I/ Hew, present representative. /2/ Jane, m. 30 April, 1867, to William Ferguson, Esq. The pedigree makes its appeai'ance in Burke's Peerage 1846, and is now to be foimd in all Lists of Baronets. CROSBIE, Sir Walter, of Maryborough, created a Baroxet of Nova Scotia 1630. According to Lodge's Peerage (1789), vol. iii. p. 328. Sir Wal- ter's son. Sir John, "espoused the royal cause and forfeited his great estate. John's eldest son, Maurice (according to the same authoritv), "was attainted for engaging in the Civil war of 1688. Sir Piers Crosbie, cousin of Sir Walter, made his %vill 17 Nov. 1646, iic. &c. "by which he devised the abbey of Odomey and other lands in Kerry to Sir John Crosbie, Bart, in fee, by the name of his lawful heir. Sir John proved said will 28 Oct. 1663, but the said John being attaintecl (for engaging in the rebellion of 1641) at the time of making the will, and surviving the testator, and the said attainder having never been reversed, the King became entitled to the premises by virtue of the said will and attainder." — (Lodge's Peerage, 1789, vol. iii. p. 327, note.) Sir Warren Crosbie (son of Maurice, son of Sir John) was in receipt of a pension of £200 a year from the crown in 1727, by the title of Sir Warren Crosbie, which would favour the supposition that there was not an attainder in the family. The grandson of this Sir Warren was the unfortunate Sir Edward Crosbie wlio was executed at Carlow, 5 June, 1798, dur- ing the Irish rebellion; in consequence of his (alleged) crimiual intercourse with the rebels The soliiiers severed his head from his body, and fixed it on a pike in Carlow. GUMMING, (Sir) Kenneth William, m.d. Edinburgh, a member general council Edin- burgh University, army surgeon, major a.m.d. commanding army medical and army hospital corps at Exeter. The Baronetcy. Sir ALEXANDER CXJMMING, M.P. Aberdeenshire in the first four parliaments of G-reat Britain 1709/22, was created a BARO.N'ET OF NoVA ScoTiA 28 Feb. 1695, with remainder to heirs male. In Burke's Peerage, 1834 edition, it is stated that the title was created 28 Feb. 1672, and had regularly descended to the then Baronet (.Sir) Kenneth Cummiug, of Culter, Baronet, who was uncle of the present (Sir) Kenneth William Cumming, first-named. Alexander, father of (Sir) Kenneth mentioned by Burke, is in a pedigree recently printed stated to be son of Robert Cumming and Anna Leslie, and to be identical with Robert, 2nd son of Sir Alexander, 1st Baronet ; further parti- culars relative to this point will be found in the Genealogist, vol. iii. pp. 1 to 11. The following advertisement appeared in the "Times" newspaper, in 1878: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, KENNETH WILLIAM GUMMING, hitherto known as Kenneth William Cumming, M.D. Surgeon-Major in Her Majesty's Army (Medical Service), have, by deed poll, under my hand and seal, dated the 28th day of November, 1877, AS.SUMED, as my lawful right, to myself and the heirs male lawfully begotten of my body, the NAME, rank, style, and title of Sir KENNETH WILLIAM CUM- MING, "of Culter, in the county of Aberdeen, in Scotland, Baronet, which rank, style, and title were conferred upon my great-great-grandfather, the late Sir Alexander Cumming, of Culter aforesaid, M.P., and the heirs male la-wfully begotten of his body, by tlieir late Majesties King William and Queen Mary, by Letters Patent dated the 28th day of February, 1695, and the said Baronetcy having regularly descended to my late uncle. Sir Kennetli Cunmiing, of Culter aforesaid, who after having been in possession thereof for 40 years, died, in or about the year 1839, without any heir male la^vfuUy begotten of his body, leaving my father, Robert Stewart Cumming, of Cum- mingswood, in Prince Edward's Island, in North America, M.n. hia only brother and heir-at-law, who died iu the year 1847, without having assumed the title, and leaving me his only son and heir-at-law. The aforesaid deed poll was executed by me in lieu of recording my pedigree in one of the Colleges of Arms, and obtaining a certificate therefrom, as required by the Order of His late Majesty King George the Third, dated the 6th day of December, 1782, such Order having been subsequently revoked by His said Majesty so far as it related to baronetcies created by Letters Patent granted prior to 1783.— Dated 28th February, 1878. KENNETH WILLIAM CUMMING. Witness— Wm. F. Geare, 57, Liucoln's-Inn-Fields, Solicitor. Title acknowledged in Lodge's Peerage and Baronetage. CUNINGHAME,(SiR) Charles Arthur Fair- LiE,"of Robertland,co. Ayr" (16.80, N.S.); J.P. lieut. Ayr.shire yeo. cavalrj' 1866-75 ; the estate of Fairlie was sold by the last Baronet, and in con- .sequence that name as a final surname has been abandoned by his son, who s. in 1881; b. 2 Jan, 1846 ; m. 7 Nov. 1867, Caroline Madelina, 2nd dau. of William Fordyce Blair, Esq. of Blair, Ayrshire, and has 3 daus. (1) Edith Magdalen. (2) Geraldine Mary Georgiana. (3) Violet Antonia. Note. — Heir presumptive, Alfred Edward Cuninghame, Esq Arms — Arg. a shakefork between a bugle in chief and two castles in base sa. Crest — An unicorn's head arg. armed or. Supporters— Two knights armed cap-i-pie, holding in their exterior hands a baton or. MOTTO — Fortitudine. Residence — 'Waterside Lodge, Dairy, Ayrshire. Htneage. SIR DAVID CUNINGHAME, of Robertland (descended from David Cuninghame, of Bartonholme and Robertland, only son of William Cuninghame 1st of Craigends, by his 2nd man-iage in 1499 with Dame Marion Auchinleek), retoured heir to his father 15 Oct. 1628, master of the works to James VI. ; created a Baronet op Nova Scotia 25 Nov. 1630, with re- mainder to his heirs male whatsoever; will dated 16 Feb. 1667, proved 3 April following; d. s. p. and according to the Baro- netages was succeeded by his brother Sh- Alexander, who also dying without issue male was it is said succeeded by his nephew ^IR DAVID, 3rd Baronet, a commissioner of supply for O Ayrshire, 1685; d. 1702, and the Baronetcy was not cla"imed by his alleged descendant imtil 1778. He m. Jean Cunning- hame, heiress of Cuuninghame, of Wattiestoun, and had, with a dau Marion, 2 sous, [1] David, d. unm. [2] Christian, had a bond for 100 merks from Sir David Cuninghame, of Robertland, dated Kilmaurs, 20 Jan. 1666; killed at the siege of Namur 1695; m. Mary, dau. of Smith, of Swindridgemuir, and had 2 sous, (1) David, d. unm. (2) John, of Wattiestoun, afterwards of Auckenskeith, parish of Dairy, AjTshire, heir of his grandfather, 1702, but never assumed the title; he m. Elizabeth Campbell, of Gar- gunuock, and had 3 sons and 3 daus. /I/ William, of Auckenskeith, never assumed the title; he m. Miss M'llvain, heiress of Gruivat, and had a son, "William, of whom presently. /2/ James, m. and had a dau. /3/ Charles, parson of St. Julian, Barbados ; d. unm. /4/ Jean, m. to John Glasgow, minister of Kilbirny. /5/ Ann, m. to John Gilmour. /6/ Elizabeth, m. to Andrew Smith, of Swindridgemuir, aforesaid, ancestor of the Indian hero, Brig.-Gen. James George Smith Neil, c.B. WILLIAM CUNINGHAME assumed the Baronetcy on being retoured heir to Sir David, at Edinburgh, 3 Aug. 1778; d. 25 Oct. 1781, having m. 1741, Margaret, dau. of William Fairlie, Esq. of Fairlie, and had with other issue a son, WILLIAM CUNINGHAME-FAIRLIE (Baronet), assumed the additional smname of Fairlie; d. 1811, having m. 1st, Anne. dau. of Robert Colqulioun, of St. Christopher's, and 2nd!y, Marianne, dau. of Sir James Campbell, of Aberuc- hill, 3rd i5art. (she re-m. to James Hathom). By his 1st vdte he had with other issue 3 sons, [1] WiUiam (Baronet), d. s. p. 1 Feb. 1837, having m. 21 May, 1818, Anne, only dau. of Robert Cooper, of Woodbridge, Suffolk; she d. 1 Feb. 1837. [2] John (Baronet), HAD A PATENT OP ARMS TO HIMSELF AND HIS heirs, WITH SUPPORTERS AL.SO TO HIMSELF AND HIS HEIRS MALE SUCCEEDING HIM IN THE BARONETCY, MATRICULATED in the Lyon OFFICE 13 DEC. 1837; b. 29 July, 1779 ; d. s. p. 28 Feb. 1852, having m. 8 Aug. 1808, Janet Lu- cretia, dau. of John Wallace, Esq. of Kelly, co. Renfrew ; she d. 25 June, 1877, aged 95. [3] Charles ( Baronet); b. 22 Sept. 1780 ; d. 1 June, 1869, hav- ing m. 10 .lune, 1806, F.anny, 3rd dau. of Sir John Call, Bart.; she dt 12 May, 1848, having had ^ son afid 2 daus,