Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/723

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with that of Hawkins in all important respects except the essential link which connects the first Maurice Fitzgerald, of Castle Ishen, and his mother, Honora Fitzgerald, of the Desmond family, with the Baronet of Clenlish. The later descents are as follows: — (SIE) JAMES TRAXT FITZGERAXD (son of Sir Richard, above-mentioned), d. 1824, liaving m. Bridget Anne More, dau. of Robert t>alton, of Thiirnham Hall, co. Lane, (by his 3rd wife Bridget, dan. of Thouiis More, of Bamborough Hall, Torks. widow of Peter Metcalfe, of Glendford Briggs, co. Line, and coheir of her brother Thomas More). His son, (SIR) JAMES, d. 25 Sept. 1839, having m. 27 Sept. 1826, Au- gusta Henrietta, 2nd dau. of Vice-Adm. Sir Thomas Fremantle (B. COTTESLOE); she d. 11 Jmie, 1863, having had 2 sons and 3 daus. (1) (Sir) James George, assimied by H.L. 31 May, 1861, the sur- name of Daltox before that of Fitzgerald and the arms of Daltou quarterly; b. 6 Jan. 1831; d. s. p. 16 Jan. 1867, having m. 26 Jmie, 1856, Blanche Mary, dau. of Hon. Philip Stourton (B. Mowbray) ; she d. 7 June, 1875. (2) (Sir) Gerald Richard, present representative. (3) Augusta, (4) Cecilia, m. 15 May, 1853, to Louis, son of the Marqni? Serlupi, Cavallerizzo Maggiore to Pius IX. (5) Emily. Betham's Pedigree. RICHARD FITZGERALD, son of the Knight of Kerrj-. had a son James, who had a son, SIR EDMOND FITZGERALD, Knt. of Cloyne, who had 3 sons (2 Gerald, 3 Edmoud), and the eldest, ilB. JOHN FITZ-EDMOXD, Knt. of Cloyne. seized of lands and castle of Kilmaclenyne, Ballyritheen, Briaghy, Castle Ishen, &c. had a pension of 100 marks per annum 16 May, 1582, knighted by Lord Mount joy, l.d. U Mar. 1601 ; d. at Cloyne 15 Jan. 1612, having m. Honora, dan. of Teige O'Brien, brother of Donough, Earl of Thomond, and had 3 sons and 2 daus. [1] James, d. s. p. [2] Sir Edmond, of whom presently. [3] Thomas, of Rostellan, co. Cork, by gi-ant from his father 16 July, 1594 ; will dated 15 Aug. 1628; by Honora 0"Sullivan had a son and 2 daus. (1) James, of Rostellan, 1628 ; d. s. p. 20 Aug. 1635, liaving m. Marv Burke, dau. of Theobald, Lord Brittas. (2) Ellen. (3) Honor [4] Elliuor, wife, 1st, of Robert 'Walsh, of Stewniargy, and 2ndly, of Peter Walsh. [5] Honor, wife of Owen O'SulUvan, merchant. SIR EDMOND FITZGERALD, of Ballj-maloe and of Cloyne, knighted by Sir Arthur Chichester, L.D. 1 Dec. 1606 ; d. V. p. 10 Mar. 1611, having m. Honora, (*) dau. of James FitzGerald, son of John, Earl of Desmond (widow of John or Edmond FitzGerald, seneschal of Imokilly); shed. 1628, having had 3 sons and 3 daus. [1] Sir John, Knt. of (Tloyne, aged 18 years and 6 months at his grandfather's death, had livery 11 Feb. 1615, knighted by Sir Oliver St. John, l.d. 17 April, 1617; succ. his cousin at Rostellan; d. 2 Jan. 1640/1, (t) having m. 21 Oct. 1611, Ellen, 3rd dau. of David, Lord Barry, of Buttevant, and had 4 sons and 2 daus. Edmond (1640). — James (1641). — Thomas. — Garrett.— Honora. — Ellen. [2] Gerald, of BaUymollen (2nd son). [3] Tliomas (3rd son). [4] JIaurice, of Castle Ishen, co. Cork ; wiU dated 20 Mar. 1678 9, proved 7 Jmie following, having m. Honora, dau. of Donogh M'Carthy, Viscount Muskerr3', and had a son, Garret, of whom presently. [5] Ellen, wife of Dermot O'Brien, 5th Baron Inchiquin. [6] ilary, wife of Owen Mac Demiot O'Sullivan. [7] Honora, wife of Patrick, Lord Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw. GARRET FITZGERALD, of Castle Ishen, by Lady EUen, liad a son Maurice, of Castle Ishen, who d. s. p. Feb. 1750; he m. 2ndly, Catherine, dau. of Charles O'Brien, Esq. and sister of Daniel, Viscount Clare, and had a son, JAMES FITZGERALD, of Castle Ishen ; will dated 19 Jan. 1753, proved 27 Nov. 1768, having m. 1st, Amy, dau. of Thomas FitzGerald Co. v. p. 1667), knight of Kerry ; he m. 2ndly, Bridget, sister of Valentine Keating. By his 1st -wife he had Maurice, James, Mary, Amelia ; the eldest sou, MAURICE FITZGERALD, of Castle Ishen, (t) m. Helen, dau. of Walter, son of Richard Butler, Esq. of Kilcash, ancestor to the Marquis of Ormond, and had a son. RICHARD, of Castle Ishen, m. Joanna Maria, dau. and sole heir of James Trant, of Dingle, co. Kerry, and had with 2 daus. Helena and Susanna, an only son, JAMES TRANT FITZGERALD, of Castle Ishen, m. Bridget Anne, dau. of Robert Dalton, of Thuruham HaU, co. Lane, and had a son and dau. [1] James FitzGerald, Esq. of Castle Ishen. [2] Maria. Certified by Sir William Betham, Lister King of Anns of all Ireland, 14 Oct. 1829. Entered in "Pedigi-ees" xvi. 213. (Signed) J. RocH, Registrar. FLEETWOOD, Rev. (Sib) Peter Louis Hes- KETH, M.A. Oxon. incumbent St. Mai-y's, Plaistow, claims to have sncceeded his father the late Sir Peter Hesketh-Fleetwood, created a Bako- NET 20 July. 1838, who appears however to have died s. p. m. 12 April, 18GG. (See Herald and Genealogist, vol. iv. p. 371.) Title acknowledged by Lodge, Kelly's Upper Ten Thousand, &c. TT^LETCHER, Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard, r.e. -L of Carrow, co. Cork, created a Baronet U Dec. 1812. for services during Peninsular war, fell at San Sebastian Aug. 1813. leaving 2 sons; on the death of the elder, Sir Richard John, 25 Dec. 1876, the title became extinct, the younger brother Charles Orlando, having died about 1823, and con- sequently could not have become 3rd Baronet as stated by Sir Bernard Burke in his Peerages, pub- lished from 1877 to 1879. FOULIS, of "Woodhall, see pedigree in Baronet- age, where Sir James, 7th Baronet, is said to have succeeded as son of William, son of John, son of William, 2nd son of Sir John, of Ravelston, Bart, a statement which requires to be substan- tiated by particulars. TT^OULIS, Sir David, of Ingleby Manor, Yorks. JP (3rd son of James Foulis, of Colinton, see Baronetage), created a Baronet of England 6 Feb. 1619 ; the title became extinct on the death of his descendant Rev. Sir Henry Foulis. 9th Baro- net, rector of Great Brickhill, Bucks. 7 Oct. 1876. His cousin, John Robinson Foulis, a midshipman R.N. died 181.5, and therefore could not have become 10th Baronet, as stated by Sir Bernard Bm-ke in his Peerage, published in 1877, p. 489, and copied into the various genealogical publications of the year. (*) Honora, dau. of James FitzMaurice (FitzGerald), " the arch traitor" (who was great-grandson of Thomas, 8th Earl of Desmond, l.d. 1462/7); m. 1st, to John FitzEdnumd (Fitz- Gerald), Desmond's last seneschal, of Imokilly; he died a prisoner in Dublin Castle 1589 ; she re-iu. to Sir Edmond Fitz- Gerald above named. In her will, proved in 1628, she men- tions her sons, John and Maurice. (t) Will dated 1 Sept. 1640, mentions his brother Maurice of Castle Ishen. (J) There is in Buttevant Abbey a slab bearing the follo-nlng inscription—" Pray for the souLs of Maurice Fitzgerald, Esq. GIBB, (Sir) James Campbell, formerly in crown lands department, Canada, and late capt. Federal army, U.S.; assumes, as fomaer repre- sentatives of his famUy have also done, the Baro- netcy conferred upon Sir Henry Gib, Knt. of Falk- land, groom of the bedchamber to Henry, Prince of of Castle Ishin, of the house of Desmond, who dyed the 16th day of Sept. 1726, and Dame Helen, his wife, of the house of Ormond, who dyed in the year 1721, whose bodies are deposited in this vault vith their ancestors until the resurrection of the dead in Christ our Lord." It would seem from this inscription that the generations of Maurice and James are misplaced in both the pedigrees, for Maurice Fitzgerald, of Castle Ishen in his will dated 20 Mar. 1678, 9, and proved 7 June, 1679, names his grandson, Maurice, but as to these facts the official pedigree of Hawkins observes an almost ominous silence.