Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/815

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MR. FOSTER Begs to draw the attention of the Nobility and Gentry to the following important Works of Reference which are being published in his new Serial, "Collectanea Genealogica," monthly, 128 pp. Parts J to 5 now ready ; issued to Subscribers only. 1. Register of Admissions to Gray's Lin, 152 i — i88r. These entries refer to the gentry and their younger sons, and as it is customary to record the parentage of each student on his admission, so it is equally certain that no other series of documents outside the College of Arms — saving the admissions to the various Universities — afford so much picked infor- mation relating to our aristocracy, or throw so much additional light upon their genealogical history. If they do not exceed, they certainly equal in interest the pedigrees in the Heralds' Visitations, inas- much as they supply a fund of original matter from which pedigrees of cadets may be traced to the parent stem ; indeed, I opine that the name of many an unknowii ancestor which has hitherto baffled the biographer and the genealogist, may be found in these Admissions. Their value as a supplement to, and especially as a continuation of, the Heralds' Visitations must be priceless, because no other official records exist of so exclusive a cJiaracter. 2. A Biographical Dictionary of the Members of Parliament, These lists are reprinted in alphabetical sequence from the Parliamentary Return of iSSo, with shor Biographical or Genealogical Notes added to those names which can be readily identified ; Chakt Pedigrees are also given, showing at a glance the blood relationship between the various members o the principal governing families. England, Scotland, and Ireland are treated as separate works. 3. An Alphabetical Hand List of Wills, wholly or partially printed 171 the following Works : — Surtees Society, 7 vols. — Cheetham Society, 3 vols. — Camden Society. 2 vols. — Testamenta Vetusta — Royal and Noble Vills — Collectanea Genealogica cS: Topographica, etc., 8 vols. — Topographer & Genealogist, 3 vols. — Herald and Genealogist, 8 vols. — Miscellanea Genealogica, 5 vols. — The Reli- quary, 2a vols. — The Genealogist, 4 vols. — The Times. — Various Archaeological Collections, etc. 4. Si7ns* Index to Heralds^ Visitations., etc. An Alphabetical List of Families whose pedigi-ees are recorded in the Heralds' Visitations and other MSS., in the British Museum, including additions from the collections of Sir George Naylok, Garter King of Arms, and Sir William Betham, Ulster King of Arms, relating to families in Ireland and Scotland. This will be the first general Index to these Visitation Pedigrees which has been printed in alpha- betical order. 5. The Marriages of the A^obility and Gentry, alphabetically arranged, f'oin 1655 to 1880. This remarkable series commences (by permission of Col. Chester) with the Westminster Abbey Registers ; and is continued from the Historical Rei^ister and Gentleman's Magazine, concluding ith the Watches from the Times (1865 to 1880), extracted by permission from the unique index in the private collection of Sir Albert Woods, Garter King of Arms. The importance of this immense work cannot be over-estimated. The Marriages from the Historical Register and Gentleman s Magazine, 1727 to 1867, are edited by Miss Ada C. Gardner, a great-niece of Rev. James Dallaway, M.A., F.S.A., Earl Marshal's Secretary, better known as the historian of Sussex. 6. Musgrave's Obituary. The Deaths of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland prior to iSoo. compiled originally by Sir William Musgrave, Bart., from printed works ; with which is iccorporated (^by permission) the Westminster Abbey Registers, recently edited by Col. Chester. 7. Funeral Certificates of the N'obility and Gentry of IrclaJid, 1607 lo 1729. These are reprinted from the British INIuseum copy of the office book in Ulster's Office, Dublin Castle, and are accompanied by Tabular Pedigrees and copious annotations. yV.^. — Each of the above subjects has an independent pagination, so that each may be bound separately on completion. Annual Sub- scription, 3 Guineas. 21, Boundary Road, Finchlev Road, London, N.W.