Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/818

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NOTICES OF THE PRESS. "Mr. Foster's 'Collectanea Genealogica' will bring joy to the heart of pedigree hunters both in England and America. ... To the historian and the biographer such facts as Mr. Foster diligently gathers are of the utmost importance."^ — Daily N'ews. "If continued on the lines laid dowm in the first number, Mr. Foster's ' Collectanea ' cannot fail to be a welcome addition to the genealogical student's list of working tools." — Notes and Quaies. " The great value of the publication consists in the serial works completed in this part, to each of which sixteen pages are devoted, and which are to be continued in future numbers, each with its separate pagination, so that when any one is completed it can be withdrawn from the others and bound uji in a volume by itself. ... If Mr. Foster's enterprise is properly supported, the students of history and biography will find on their shelves a series of volumes of reference which will save them a vast amount of time and labour, and will also find, to a great extent, their work done to their hands. It would be impossible for any genuine student to see the volume just issued without recognising the enormous benefit which Mr. Foster proposes to bestow upon literary men, but which it is evident he cannot accomplish without the generous support of those interested in such matters." — Academy. [Continued on page 8.J ORDER FORM. To Mr. Foster, 21, Boutida?y Road, Londo>i, N.W. Please add my name to yojir list of Subscribers for your '^Collectanea Genealogica.^ Payment is enclosed for the first year's subscription, the tiuelve pai'ts to be sent post free, addressed to —