Page:The People's Idea of God.djvu/14

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hearken to the higher law of God, we should think for one moment of these divine statutes of God: Let them have “dominion over all the earth.” “And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The only law of sickness or death is a law of mortal belief, and infringement on the merciful and just government of God. When this great fact is understood, the spurious, imaginary laws of matter — when matter is not a lawgiver — will be disputed and trampled under the feet of Truth. Deal, then, with this fabulous law as with an inhuman State law; repeal it in mind, and acknowledge only God in all thy ways, — “who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.” (Few there be who know what a power mind is to heal when imbued with the spiritual truth that lifts man above the demands of matter.

As our ideas of Deity advance to truer conceptions, we shall take in the remaining two thirds of God's plan of redemption, — namely, man's salvation from sickness and death. Our blessed Master demonstrated this great truth of healing the sick and raising the dead as God's whole plan, and proved the application of its Principle to human wants. Having faith in drugs and hygienic drills, we lose faith in omnipotence, and give the healing power to matter instead of Spirit. As if Deity would not if He could, or could not if He would, give health to man; when our Father bestows heaven not more willingly than health; for without health there could be no heaven.