Page:The People's Idea of God.djvu/9

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or their lowest ideals, by their God and their devil. We are all sculptors, working out our own ideals, and leaving the impress of mind on the body as well as on history and marble, chiselling to higher excellence, or leaving to rot and ruin the mind's ideals. Recognizing this as we ought, we shall turn often from marble to model, from matter to Mind, to beautify and exalt our lives.

Chisel in hand stood a sculptor-boy,
 With his marble block before him;
And his face lit up with a smile of joy
 As an angel dream passed o'er him.
He carved the dream on that shapeless stone
 With many a sharp incision.
With heaven's own light the sculptor shone, —
 He had caught the angel-vision.
Sculptors of life are we as we stand
 With our lives uncarved before us,
Waiting the hour when at God's command
 Our life dream passes o'er us.
It we carve it then on the yielding stone
 With many a sharp incision,
Its heavenly beauty shall be our own, —
 Our lives that angel-vision.”

To remove those objects of sense called sickness and disease, we must appeal to mind to improve its subjects and objects of thought, and give to the body those better delineations. Scientific discovery and the inspiration of Truth have taught me that the health and character of man become more or less perfect as his mind-models are more or less spiritual. Because God is Spirit, our thoughts must spiritualize to approach Him, and our methods grow more spiritual to accord with our thoughts. Religion and