Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 2.djvu/80

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THE Bhali Sooltans are a Mahomedan tribe of Oude. It is reported that, several centuries ago, Rae Buriar, a Bais Rajpoot and horse merchant, came from Baiswara in Oude, and married two women, by whom he had a numerous progeny. In the course of time they became sufficiently numerous and powerful to expel the Bhur proprietors or zemindars, and to take entire possession of their villages. The name of this tribe, "Bhali Sooltan," is derived from a tradition which has existed for centuries, that on the occasion of an Emperor of Delhi visiting the neighbourhood for the purpose of subduing Oude, he invited the chiefs to a meeting, and was so struck by the manly bearing of one who stepped to the front and struck his spear deep into the ground, that he involuntarily exclaimed, "What king of the spear is this?" "Bhali" is the name for a spear, and "Sooltan," for a king; and the Emperor so greatly admired the fine and gallant bearing of the tribe during the war, that he desired they should be distinguished in future as the "Bhali Sooltans." They always carried spears into action. About two centuries back, numbers of them were converted to Mahomedanism. In every other respect what will be found stated concerning the Bujgotees and Rajkoomars, applies to this tribe. They occupy a large portion of the tract of country lying along both banks of the river Goomtee, and regard themselves as the most valorous race in Oude.