Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 3.djvu/86

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AGED thirty-five years; height five feet two inches; complexion dark, with black eyes and hair. He is an inhabitant of Kanchrowlee, district of Allyghur. The family have lived in the last-named and the neighbouring village of Gyndowlee for many generations past. The Bohras are professional money-lenders and usnrers, and also freqnently acquire landed property. Their habits are settled, though they sometimes go long journeys on business connected with their calling. Their religion in the North-Western Provinces is Hindoo (Brahmin), and they are worshippers of the gods "Doorga" and "Mahadeo." They are an avaricious race, greedy of gain, but timid and spiritless. Bohras are to be found in many other parts, especially in Central and Western India. Their food is grain of every description, vegetables, milk, and sweetmeats, but they take no meat nor do they drink spirits. They usually attain the age of seventy or eighty years.

The Hindoo appellation Bohra, which belongs to this caste, must not be confounded with the "Bohras" of Guzerat and Western India, who are a sect of Mahomedans, following, however, the same profession of bankers and general merchants.