Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 6.djvu/224

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THE Babras are Jains, and come from Jodlipoor in Rajpootana, where they are numerous. Under the general title of "Marwarrees," these enterprising people are found in every part of India, as bankers, merchants, petty traders, and shopkeepers. In the latter capacity they complete with the Lohanas, and others of Sind, never losing their national characteristics. The woman wears the costume of her class, a full petticoat and scarf, with heavy silver bracelets on her arms. Her son's costume is not Marwarree, and has been adopted from Sind.

Marwarrees have been described, ante Vol. IV., No. 201; and Babras, ante Vol. IV., No. 226, to which the reader is referred.