Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 7.djvu/136

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THE gentlemen who form the magnificent group represented by Lient. Waterhouse, are officers in the service of Her Highness the Begum of Bhopal, G.C.S.I; and their dresses are worthy of description, according to the official catalogue. In the centre sits Bukshi Moroowut Mahomed Kban, who, as his title expresses, is general paymaster of the forces. He wears a purple turban with a jewelled ornament, a coat of cloth of gold (kumkhab), and a red silk waistband. On his right is Hafiz Mahomed Hussein Khan, Naib Bukshi, who is deputy paymaster, dressed in a richly embroidered green coat, red turban, silk trousers, and socks. On his right is Syed Oomrao All Risaldar, a commander of cavalry, whose dress is the same as the preceding, with the addition of a cross belt. On the proper left of the centre figure is Mahomed All Khan, and on his left Meer Wahid All Risaldar, whose dresses, evidently uniform, are alike, green cloth coats, richly embroidered with gold. They are the principal officers of Her Highness the Begum's forces, and necessarily occupy distinguished positions at her court. One of them, on the proper left of the centre figure, wears a medal, which appears to be English, but it is not mentioned in the official list. The whole are fine specimens of Bhopal Mussulmans, being all of them five feet eleven inches in height, and evidently very powerful men. It may be presumed that they do not differ from Mussulmans elsewhere: two of them are Syuds, and three Pathans.