Page:The Perfumed Garden - Burton - 1886.djvu/155

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Names given to the Sexual Organs of Women

very large pubis. Women of that build are said to be of large vagina, because, although on the approach of the member it appears firm and impenetrable to such a degree that not even a meroud[1] seems likely to be passed in, as soon as it feels the friction of its gland against its centre it opens wide at once.

El aride (the large one).—This is the vulva which is as wide as it is long; that is to say, fully developed all round, from side to side, and from the pubis to the perineum. It is the most beautiful to look upon. As the poet has said:

"It has the splendid whiteness of a forehead,
In its dimensions it is like the moon,
The fire that radiates from it is like the sun's.
And seems to burn the member which approaches;
Unless first moistened with saliva the member cannot enter.
The odour it emits is full of charms."

It is also said that this name applies to the vagina of women who are plump and fat. When such a one crosses her thighs one over the other the vulva stands out like the head of calf. If she lays it bare it resembles a saa[2] for corn placed between her thighs; and, if she walks, it is apparent under her clothes by its wavy movement at each step. May God, in his goodness and generosity, let us enjoy such a vagina! It is of all the most pleasing, the most celebrated, the most wished for.

Abou belaoum (the glutton).—The vulva of a vast

  1. Note in the autograph edition.—The meroud is a little stick or tsylus which the Ahabian women use for blackening their eyelids, or for introducing an eye salve.
  2. Note in autograph edition.—The "saa" is a measure for cereals, and which will contain, according to the localities in which it is used, different quantities, from three to eight decaltries. It is certain that the author in making this comparison had in view the round form of the sack containing the grain, and not the volume of a "saa."