Page:The Periplus of Hanno.djvu/34

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1 Cod. Pal. Græ 398.

A manuscript in the library of the University of Heidelberg, in which this Periplus is the 5th title. It is a parchment of the Tenth Century.


1. Arriani et Hannonis periplus. Plutarchus de fluminibus et montibus- Strabonis Epitome. Basle. Frobenius, 1533.

2. Hannonis Carthaginiensium ducis navigatio, &c. Translated by Conrad Gesner. Zürich, Andreas Gesner. 1609.

3. Hannonis periplus, græce et latine, &c. pub. by I. Henr, Boeder; tr. by lo. lac Mueller. Argentor, 1661.

4. Hannonis regis Periplus, græce et latine, &c. Included in the Edition of Stephanus Byzantinus by Abraham Berkelius. Leyden, 1674.

5. Conrad Gesner's translation included in J. Hudson's Geographiæ veteris scriptoribus græcis minoribus, Oxford, 1698.

6. Included in: Antigüedad marítima de la República de Cártago, by Pedro Rodriguez Campomanes, Madrid 1756.

7. Hannons Seereise, griechisch und deutsch mit Anmerkungen von Conrad Arnold Schmidt, in: Arrians Indische Mtrkwürdigkeiten und Hannons Seereise, Braunschweig und Wolfenbüttel, 1764.

8. Included in: Bredows Untersuchungen über einzelne Gegenstaende der alten Geographic.

9. The Voyage of Hanno, translated, and accompanied with the Greek text; explained from the accounts of modern travellers; defended against the objections of Mr. Dodwell and other writers, and illustrated by maps, etc.; by Thomas Falconer. L,ondon, 1797.

10. Included in: Συλλογῆς τῶν ἐν ἐπιτομῇ τοῖς πάλα γεωγραφηθέντων, τύποις ἐκδοθέντων, φιλοτίμῳ δαπάνῃ τῶν ἐξ Ἰωαννίνων φιλογενεστάτων άδελφών Ζωσιμιάδων, χάριν τῶν τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς παιδείας ἐφιεμένων Ἑλλήνων. Ἐν Βιέννη τῆς Αὐστρίας, ἐκ τῆς Σχραιμβλίκης τυπογραφίας, 1807.

11. Hannonis periplus græce cum notis editus est a Leon Hug, in: Indice lectt. publ. in Univers. lit. Friburgensi habendd., Friburgi, 1808.