Page:The Periplus of the Erythræan Sea.djvu/288

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turers from Colchis, crossing from the Euxine Sea. As to Lake Maeotis (the Sea of Azov) Strabo says (XI, i, 5) : “Asia has a kind of penin- sular form, surrounded on the west by the river Tanais and the Palus Maeotis as far as the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and that part of the coast of the Euxine which terminates at Colchis; on the north by the Ocean, as far as the mouth of the Caspian Sea; on the east by the same sea, as far as the confines of Armenia. ”

These errors were corrected by Ptolemy, but subsequently revived. See Tozer, History of Ancient Geography, 345, 36 7; — Huntington, The Pulse of Asia-, — Mackinder, The Geographical Pivot of History, in Geo- graphical Journal, xxiii, 422-437, April, 1904; — Kropotkin, The Desic- cation of Eurasia, ibid., June, 1904.

In this group of modern Tibetans may be found all the types mentioned in the closing paragraphs of the Periplus: “the men with flattened noses,” the “Horse-faces” and the “Long-faces,” of § 62, and the “men with short, thick bodies and broad, flat faces” of § 65.

65. Besatae. — These were another Tibeto-Burman tribe, allied to the Cirrhadae, and to the modern Kuki-Chin, Naga and Garo