Page:The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal 1(1).djvu/1

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[No I


By His Honor F C Irwin Esquire, Captain in His Majesty's 63rd Regiment of foot Senior Officer of His Majesty's Land Forces Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Territory of Western Australia

WHEREAS by the 13th Section of the Act of Council 2 W 4 No 10 (entituled an Act to impose certain duties on imported Spirituous Liquors) it is among other things enacted "that all Spirits landed at any place not duly authorised and appointed for that purpose shall be forfeited."

Now therefore, I the Lieutenant Governor, in pursuance of the power in me vested in that behalf, do hereby appoint that the Landing place for all Spirits entered inwards for the Port of Fremantle, shall be on the beach of the South bay within the distance of two hundred yards on either side of Mr Daniel Scott's Jetty.

God Save the King!!!

Given under my Hand and Seal at Perth Western Australia the 24th day of December 1832.
(Signed) F. C. Irwin
Lieutenant Governor
By His Honor's Command
Colonial Secretary.

NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas Brown has applied at this Office, for Permission for himself and Family, to leave the Colony per "Governor Bourke"

By Command of His Honour.
Colonial Secretary

Colonial Secretary's Office.
Perth, December 28th. 1832

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Individuals have applied at this Office, for permission to leave the Colony — Viz
Mr. R N Edwards, per Mac Naughten.
Mr B Dyer, per Governor Bourke,
and Henry Woods, per ditto

By Command of His Honour.
Colonial Secretary

Colonial Secretary's Office.
Perth December 20th. 1832
Western Australia


That Grant of Land on the Swan River belonging to Mr Thomson Rottenest, consisting of 1000 Acres is for sale by private bargain.

Apply to Mr W. N Clark Solicitor Fremantle.

Fremantle December 18th 1832

Perth, and Fremantle. Jan 17th, 1833

Cape Wine,
Ale in hogsheads,
Irish Prime Mess Pork,
Candles, Arrack,
Hops, Raisins,
Dried Fruits,
Apples, Pears,
Apricots, Peaches,
Prime Butter,
Snuff in Canisters,
Window Glass,
Brass Cocks,
Spades, Pick Axes,
Sickles, Nails,
Steel Mills,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves,
An assortment of Cotton, and Worsted Stockings,
Men's Strong Shoes
Striped Cotton for Shirting,
Book Muslin,
Moleskins, Flannel,
Cart and Waggon Wheels,
Corks, Cigars,
Crockery, Cloves,
Nutmegs, Pepper,
Shot, iron and Steel in Bars,
London Mustard,
Tin Mugs, Pickles,
Pitch and Tar,
White, Black, and
Green Paint,
Mauritius Sugar,
Fine and Common
Black and Green Teas,
London Soap,
Seeds, Stationery
and Account Books,
Slops. Jackets,
Sadlery, Tobacco.


ANY PERSON TRESPASSING upon the Premises belonging to Mr. Revely's Mill. "La Ritrechina." or interfering in any way with the Mill-dam will be prosecuted according to Law.

FIVE POUNDS REWARD, will be given to any person who will give such Information as may lead to the conviction of the Offenders.

Perth, January lst. 1832.

On Tuesday next the 8th instant,

A considerable quantity of the finest Sydney Flour.


Jane Barron, respectfully intimates that having renewed her License, she has opened her House No. 1 Murray Street Perth, as The Wheat Sheaf Tavern, where by assiduous attention to the comfort of her guests and from the quality of her Liquors, she hopes for a continuance of the patronage with which she has been hitherto favoured.

J B continues her Dairy. and having made arrangements for a regular supply of Flour, she has commenced baking and will at all times make it her study to supply her customers with the best bread on the most reasonable terms.

Breakfasts Dinners. &c on the shortest notice

Perth 5th January 1833



On the 21st. Nov H M S Imogene. Captain Blackwood, from Madras.

15th, Dec The Schooner Governor Bourke. Cap Akers, from Sydney, 84 days Passage experienced heavy gales touched at Cape Lincoln. Met with considerable difficulty in procuring water. Did not find as was anticipated, the Settlers reported to have emigrated to that quarter, saw two or three Natives, who made off as soon as the crew approached the shore

21st Dec. The Brig Cornwallis, from the Cape of Good Hope, out 42 days; Passenger Mr Lionel Samson, general Cargo

23rd Dec. The Cutter Jolly Rambler, Captain Brignell, from Sydney, general Cargo.


14th Dec. H M. S Imogene. Capt. Blackwood, —Passengers, Major Nairn, and Mr Anderson.


The Colonial Government Schooner Ellen, Captain Toby. The Cornwallis, Henderson. The Governor Bourke The Jolly Rambler. In Cockburn Sound the Sir Francis Mac Naughten, Captain Alley.

Mails are open for England, via the Cape, for Hobart Town, and Sydney


Per Schooner "Governor Bourke" William Akers, from Sydney.

24 Tierces Beef, 14 ditto Pork, 6 ditto Tongues, 5 ditto Suet, 14 boxes Candles, 102 barrels Maize, 5 casks Butter 30 flitches Bacon, 50 bags Potatoes, 4 cases Eggs, 1 bale Shoes, 3 bags Sugar 3½ chests Tea, 78 bags Flour, 3 bags Peas, 1 cask Cocoa, 1 cask Oil, 340 lb. Cheese, 20 bags Bread, 1 bag Coffee.

Per Brig "Cornwallis," H. E. Henderson, from Cape of Good Hope.

65 bags Rice, 14 half pipes Cape Wine 4 hhds Brandy 3 Puncheons Brandy 2 ditto Rum, 4 quarter pipes Cape Brandy, 10 casks of Cape beer, 12 quarter pipes Cape Wine, 17 kegs butter, 10 barrels Flour, 2 casks and and 1 box Gentian root, 1 ditto Castor Oil, 1 ditto Salts, 6 bags Almonds and Walnuts, 60 boxes dried Fruits, 4 baskets plants 2 boxes ditto 49 ditto Raisins. 1 Horse 14 boxes Glass. 2 cases Cottons. 1 cask of Juniper Berries, 1 case Haberdashery, 1 packet Hops 12 bundle of Spades 1 case Snuff, 1 case Stationery, 72 barrels Pork, 22 ½ barrels ditto 32 casks Beef, 110 barrels of Flour, 1 keg Whitning, 1 case Medicines. 29 kegs nails, 4 bags ditto 4 cases Muskets, 2 bales Blankets, 2 casks of Shoes, 5 ditto musket Cartridges 2 ditto Rifle ditto 1 box Herbs, 62 Boxes Candles, 28 casks Suet, 19 kegs ox Tongues, 5 ditto sheeps Tongues, 9 skins Tallow, 2 puncheons Geneva, 20 hhds Ale, 24 pipes Cape Wine, 34 casks Butter 2 bags Almonds 9 ditto Walnuts 100 bags Oats 20 ditto Barley 10 ditto Beans 1 quarter pipe Lime Juice 2 ditto Pontac Wine 1 ditto Muscadel, 2 casks Shoes 1 case printed Cambrics, 1 bale cose Cottons, 1 case ditto 1 ditto Cutlery 2 chain Cables 2 Mares 1 packet Turnery, 1 case Honey 1 case Shoes, 1 Box ladies shoes

Per Cutter 'Jolly Rambler' J Brignell, from Sydney

7 casks Lard, 16 bales Bacon, 20 kegs Butter 80 Tierces and 75 barrels 11 Tierces Beef, 25 boxes Candles, 4 Tierces Pork, 8 Barrels ditto, 21 kegs Suet, 4 Kegs Tongues, Twenty Tons Flour