Page:The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal 1(2).djvu/1

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[No 2


By His Honour Frederick Chidley Irwin, Captain in His Majesty's 63rd Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Governor, Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies.

WHEREAS His Majesty has been graciously pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the High Court of Admiralty of England, bearing Date the 24th Day of Dec, in the Year of our Lord 1831, to constitute Courts of Vice Admiralty in this Colony. NOW THEREFORE I the Lieutenant Governor in furtherance of the objects of the said Letters Patent, and in Pursuance of the Power, thereby in me vested for that purpose, do hereby Notify that I have deputed the Chairman for the time being of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in this Colony, to be (during my Pleasure only,) my Deputy in the Criminal Jurisdiction, and the Commissioner for the Time being of the Civil Court of this Colony, to be (during my Pleasure only,) my Deputy in the Civil Jurisdiction, of my Office of Vice Admiral of this Colony and its Dependencies, and the maritime Parts of the same, and hereto adjoining according to the Powers, duties and extent of the said Jurisdiction conferred and precribed in His Majesty's aforesaid Letters Patent.

God Save the King!!!
Given under my Hand and Seal at Perth, this 9th Day of January, 1833.
(Signed) F. C. Irwin,
Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief.

By His Honour's Command

Colonial Secretary.


Acts and Ordinances of the Governor and Council of Western Australia, passed during the Administration of His Excellency Captain James Stirling, 1833.

  1. An Act for establish a Court Civil Judicature.
  2. An Act to provide a summary remedy for trespasses committed by Cattle and other live Stock.
  3. An Act for regulating the condition of Juries; and the Office of Bailiff.
  4. An Act to extend the Jurisdiction to regulate the proceedings of the Court Quarter Sessions.
  5. An Act to secure the payment of Debts due to the Crown.
  6. An Act to provide for the Registration of Deeds, Wills, Judgments, and Conveyances, affecting real property.
  7. An Act to facilitate and simplify the transfer of real property.
  8. An Act to regulate the Sale of Spirituous and fermented Liquors by Retail.
  9. An Act for the regulation of Pilotage and Shipping in the Harbours of Western Australia.
  10. An Act to impose certain duties on imported Spiritous Liquors.

To be had at the Gazette Office Perth, and at the Post Office Fremantle.


WHEREAS on Monday the eleventh day of January instant, I William Marrs, Charterer of the Schooner Governor Rourke, now lying in Gages Roads, Western Australia, did knowingly and maliciously lay an Information against William Akers, Master of the said Schooner, for stealing a certain Bag of Biscuit dust my property ; whereby the said William Akers was brought before the Justices of the Peace at Fremantle, concerning the same (to the great injury of the said William Akers,") and was acquitted of the charge stated in the said information. Now I hereby wish to state publicly, that I did the same with an intention of unjustly, and maliciously injuring the character of William Akers, and that I had no grounds whatever for laying the said Information, before the said Justices. I therefore having seriously, knowingly, and wilfully injured the character and reputation of William Akers, do hereby make a Public Apology to him for having done so, and am exceedingly sorry the above exposure should have taken place. As Witness my hand this eleventh day of January, 1833.

William Marrs. Witness,

J. B Wittenoom,
Colonial Chaplain.


I am desired by two of the Creditors of Mr. Clint late of Perth, in the Colony of Western Australia, to request a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Mr. Clint at my Office Perth, on Wednesday the sixteenth day of January instant, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best mode of getting the Property of the said Mr. Clint sold by Auction for the benefit of his Creditors.

George F. Stone,
Solicitor Perth.

Perth January 9th, 1833.


Jane Barron, respectfully intimates that having renewed her License, she has opened her House No. 1. Murray Street Perth, as The Wheat Sheaf Tavern, where by assiduous attention to the comfort of her guests and from the quality of her Liquors, she hopes for a continuance of the patronage with which she has been hitherto favoured.

J. B. continues her Dairy; and having made arrangements for a regular supply of Flour, she has commenced baking, and will at all times make it her study to supply her customers with the best bread on the most reasonable terms.

*** Breakfasts, Dinners, &c. on the shortest notice.

Perth 5th. January 1833.

Perth, and Fremantle, Jan. 17th, 1833.

Cape Wine,
Ale in hogsheads,
Irish Prime Mess Pork,
Candles, Arrack,
Hops, Raisins,
Dried Fruits,
Apples, Pears,
Apricots, Peaches,
Prime Butter,
Snuff in Canisters,
Window Glass,
Brass Cocks,
Spades, Pick Axes,
Sickles, Nails,
Steel Mills,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves,
An assortment of Cotton, and Worsted Stockings,
Men's Strong Shoes
Striped, Cotton for Shirting,
Book Muslin,
Moleskins, Flannel,
Cart and Waggon Wheels,
Corks, Cigars,
Crockery, Cloves,
Nutmegs, Pepper,
Shot, Iron and Steel in Bars,
London Mustard,
Tin Mugs, Pickles,
Pitch and Tar,
White, Black, and Green Paint,
Mauritius Sugar,
Fine and Common Black and Green Teas,
London Soap,
Seeds, Stationery and Account Books,
Slops, Jackets,
Sadlery, Tobacco.

G. Leake

(From the Hobart Town September 7)

We have great pleasure in presenting the reader with the following account of Swan River, Port Augusta, and King George's sound, from the minutes taken by Mr. Stocker, during his late visit to these settlements. Such an account must be highly satisfactory to all parties, after having been wearied with the conflicting reports, which have all along reached us, and from Mr Stocker's long experience in colonial matters, and his correct judgment as an agriculturist, we do not know any one on the correctness of whose opinion we could more safely depend:—

The crops in Western Australia, (July 1832) looked as promising as any I ever witnessed in Van Diemen's land, of which I am one of the oldest residents. Those on the Swan and Canning rivers. consisting of wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are remarkably luxuriant, and give every promise of abundance. The wheat grown last year, weighed from sixty-four to thirty-six lbs. per bushel, and sold from 25 to 30s. The Messrs. Trimmers over the mountains (so called) but which I could see nothing that was entitled to that name, have this year from 30 to 40 acres, cultivated, looking very healthy and promising. Their sheep and cattle look particularly well, equal to any that I have seen here. The farms on the Swan and Canning, belonging to Messrs. Philips, Youl, Brockman, Bull, Tanner, &c. are well conducted, the crops well got in, and the whole exhibiting a neat and farmer-like appearance—much more in the English style, than the generality of the farms in Van Diemen's land. The land after you pass over the Darling range (or as is called the Mountains, becomes good and capable of feeding extensive numbers of stock, sheep, oxen, or horses, and of growing any kind of grain. Several gentlemen who have proceeded much farther than I did, informed me that the further they travelled into the interior, the better they found the land.

The greatest difficulty the settler has at present to encounter, is the great expense he incurs for provisions for his establishment, and the general bad conduct of his indented servants, brought into the colony with him. And this will be the case until the Magistrates are empowered to compel the indented servants to fulfil their engagements with their masters. Another heavy expense the settler has to contend with, is that for conveyance of goods from Fremantle to the country, either by boats or