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His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper to direct, that all public communications, which may appear in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official communications made to those persons to whom they may relate.

SATURDAY, JULY 13th 1833
[No 28

GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Colonial Secretary sOffice, Perth, July 12, 1833. ‘The flowing copy ofa despath rm the Right Hiosrabletie Soca of Stat fr fhe Colo tated the Sd Mare, 1852; and alzo the copy a tno tharein ved fo fom the Right Honorable ‘Eset Baur danad tho 2th: May, 1826, are Jpblchel for thefnformation of all conerned- ‘By command of the Linenant Goreros PETER BROWN,

ocr (PRCA Meh {uldafe of tore conceal. nut of exannieaton which justice and Breas authorities wo whicit any of Lis Mnjesty's Subject’s Tei th dye sve wih steton al eltbem, an to tae wich dessens. on then toto eae th ois oe, age bower Parl shut Be Jef alia eit eee ee ers Suction Sale seibee Srmearae Roun es ee sae eee aera tepals te pes edo Cn Ammer Teste iio at cot ae

SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 1833.

premiere oe, so ier rates ie pater

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(CIRCULAR COPY) Dowuing- ete, May 200-1590 Sin.— Gren noonvetence baring bees id to arise to His Majesty ovennont aswell the prs intersted hy ints in the elena ttunbnting copie to tse colonial dapartnent st home witout «previous comonusiasion rch theo toi eb ou nay ba icspwe in eumsogosnoe of ta efyenoe whic is Docssry to niet jou Goverment forex Flanaion peovow ani dscon being bad on Tesubjct ot wah eomplsite have to dese ou wil cauge publ wotoe to bsg ea the EXruany ol Ste caunot sod ny seueatory or ecucusive angene to auy somsoniestions hich fhuy be adizecved wo hn unless communi. ions azo ne own tothe Governor inthe fat instance, hn ovr tha ho ay be abled to oer toch explanations a the cave may anit. all cases where tia rgulation has wot Bean coinpa wily tier il bo no ote altmatre Berto voud. sae cominaniatons bask toe flony with a siew to the. Gorerior haying. an fppottanity of reporting spon tem, tthe as dono whic, the aero be yosaned Ta promulgaing this rgulaon to he inhabit ani you will hoveves, explain to tm tht ii Byad mens intel fo tsbnr soy person fn Suing ny compte he may tik proper diet fo tho crear” a State but to apprte Tabitnots of We couce wlohe compl unt ako bef av ans can be given tll ies il thre be ang otjction to thelr aig fie Seeetary of Sate of any communist ich they may lie pesebad 10 the. Goveror Teeth puto of big rannnite. home, or to thee obratlng dpbeater of thom to the Ses. of State object of thi tron bey {hatin any complaints which may be prof ‘gsinct the mares of your Cotermnent Ts ‘Majesty's Minstows wy bave before tiny a te {ane tine, any explanisiows lich the Governor thay have’ to ofr on tha cevera points to which ‘ete complaints may ele. Tlie Ue hoot t be Si, ‘Your mot obedient humble Sercents BATHURST,

GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Golonial Secretary's Offee, Porth, July V1, 1833 NOTICE is hereby given, that Joseph “Antonio Martin has applied at this Office for permission to leave the Colony. ‘By His Honor's Commend, Parer Brown, Colonial Secretary.

[No 28,


Tunvuns for fencing in, according to-

the Gorerainent regulations, the front

‘and one side of Allotment 1132 in Perth,

'o be transmitted to-M, Wot, Laas: ab


WILL BE SOLD By Public Auction,

Me. CHARLES SMITH AUCTIONEER, by order. of the Exeoutors of the tate: Mr... F. Johnson,

ON MONDAY THE 294, OF JULY, at 12 o'clock,

‘The Undermentioned Houses. and Allot~


Firstly. —The Stone Store-the proper ty of Mr. G. F. Johnson, near the South, Deach Fremuntle,

Secondly —That large Stone building near Mr. Solomon's, late the property of Mr, Wearell. 2

‘Thirdly.—The Stirling Anns, under & mortgage deed.

Fourthly —An Allotment at the back of the late Mr. Johnson's Store.








ALSO, | supevior Heifer in Calf: F.C. DOWNING.


IN reference to the Advertisement in- sorted in last week’s Gazette, by Wil Jiam Rolfe Steel, relative to a Grant of Land on the Swan of 2268 acres; I hereby intimate: that the. suid William Rolfe Stee! has no title whatever to. the said property, as he never paid me “the” agreed on price for the pretended ws- 'signment, and afterwards departed from his original offer,

‘Wrurram Dixon.

NOTICE, ALL Persons: having claims-on the estate of the-late Mr. G. F’ Johnson, are requested to forward them, to the Ex- ecutors for.adjustment, before.the end.of the present. month; ind all. Persous-in~ debted to the-said estate are requested to discharge their respective accounts forth- with, W. H. Deane, Executor. Perth, July 13, 1838.