Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 06).djvu/92

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This second part is divided into two books and an itinerary, and discusses the following topics.

The first book contains in sequence the things witnessed and heard in that kingdom by Fathers Martin de Herrada, provincial of the order of St. Augustine in the Felipinas Islands, and his associate Fray Geronymo Marin,[1] and some soldiers who accompanied them.

The second, the miraculous voyage to this same kingdom by Father Fray Pedro de Alfaro, custodian of the order of St. Francis in the Felipinas, and his associates.

An itinerary of the father custodian of the same order, Fray Martin Ignacio, who went from España to China, and thence back to España, by way of East India, thus circumnavigating the world; the very remarkable things that he saw and heard during the voyage.

  1. Jerónimo Marín was a native of Mexico, where he became an Augustinian friar in 1556. Coming to the Philippine Islands in 1571, he acquired the Bisayan, Tagal, and Chinese languages, and spent many years in missionary labors among those peoples. Afterward he went to Spain, where for a time he had charge of the Philippine missions of his order; and finally returned to Mexico, where he died in 1606.