Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 08).djvu/143

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Galván: Medrano—The encomienda of Galván belongs to Medrano. It has eight hundred tributes, or three thousand and some souls. It has had instruction, but has none now. It is visited from Batangas. It has justice, and needs one minister.
Mahubán: King—Mahubán belongs to his Majesty. On this coast of Manila he has eight hun-dred tributes, which represent more than three thousand persons. It has never had instruction, but has justice from Calilaya. One minister is needed.
Casiguiran: Françisco Garçia—The encomienda of Casiguiran lies on the same coast opposite Manila. It belongs to Françisco Garçía, who collects there five hundred tributes, which represent two thousand persons. Half of it is hostile, and more than half has neither justice nor instruction. One minister is needed.
Balete: Juan Martín—The encomienda of Balete belongs to Juan Martín Picón. He collects the half of five hundred tributes, for the other half is hostile and without justice or instruction. The magistrate of Calilaya administers justice to one-half of it alone. It needs one minister.

Thus Calilaya has five thousand five hundred tributes, or twenty-two thousand persons, who have but little instruction. Nine ministers are necessary now, so that it may have some instruction. With the nine ministers it will have sufficient instruction; but it has adequate justice.