Page:The Philosophy of Creation.djvu/102

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that by attraction particles take their places and form the organisms of plants and of animals; yet these forces do not explain why a leaf is oblong, or rotund, or lanceolate, nor why the margin is entire, or serrate, or spinate; nor do they offer a reason why in one animal they form claws and in another hoofs. There was a time when upon this earth no animal existed, and consequently there was no such thing as an eye or an ear. Was it not therefore an intelligence of the highest order that knew even that organisms like the eye and the ear could be made, and that the possibilities of the wonderful phenomena of sight and hearing existed? It was the denial of intelligence in the Creator that drew forth these trenchant words that carry their own answer, "He that planted the ear, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?"

Observing further the mutual service of the organs of the human body, and how each thing in it is of use; how each part of the universe is an essential of a symmetrical whole, and each thing is in its use; how there are no mistakes in nature's laws, and how they work in absolute perfection, we are compelled to concede that there is intelligence in the Creator, or First Cause, which must be superior to that in the things produced.

No one, it seems, denies a form of intelligence