Page:The Philosophy of Creation.djvu/54

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It should be observed, though, that the point to be proved is assumed as the basis of the demonstration, namely, "a preexisting kind of being." Until this is explained, there is absolutely no light thrown upon the subject.

Evolution Is Essentially Agnostic And

It may be profitable to notice here the essential character of Evolution. It will be observed from the above quotations that nature alone is made to work the evolution by combination of material substances. In this there is a latent denial of a specific Creator. Life is regarded as nothing higher than that activity which exists among material molecules "verging little by little into those called vital." Hence there is a denial of life from the Creator. Though there is no open rejection of a Creator, it can not be controverted that there is an absolute and positive rejection and denial of Him, for life in the first instance is made to consist of the activity of the particles of matter due to potencies inherent in matter, and higher forms of life are argued to be a product of evolution derived from matter by its taking on a more complex activity. Animal forms are regarded as nothing other than a particular arrangement of particles and kinds of matter