Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/188

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

her, as we have lost her husband. Wherefore we must, by one way or other, seek to take her off from the thoughts of what shall be hereafter, else all the world cannot help but she will become a pilgrim.

Now she awoke in a great sweat, also a trembling was upon her; but after a while she fell to sleeping again. And then she thought she saw Christian her husband in a place of bliss among many immortals, with a harp in his hand, standing and playing upon it before One that sat upon a throne, with a rainbow about his head. She saw also as if he bowed his head with his face to the paved work that was under his Prince's feet, saying, I heartily thank: my Lord and King for bringing me into this place. Then shouted a company of them that stood round about, and harped with their harps; but no man living could tell what they said, but Christian and his companions.

Next morning when she was up, had prayed to God, and tallied with her children awhile, one knocked hard at the door; to whom she spake, saying, If thou comest in God's name, some in. So he said, Amen; and opened the door, and saluted her with, Peace be to this house. The which when he had done, he said, Christiana, knowest thou wherefore I am come? Then she blushed and trembled; also her heart began to wax warm with desires to know from whence he came, and what his errand to her. So he said unto her, My name is Secret; I dwell with those that are on high. It is talked of where I dwell, as if thou hadst a desire to go thither; also there is a report that thou art aware of the evil thou hast formerly done to thy husband, in hardening of thy heart against his way, and in keeping of these babes in their ignorance. Christiana, the Merciful One hath sent me to tell thee that he is a God ready to forgive, and that, he taketh delight to multiply the pardon of offences. [He also would have thee to know that he inviteth thee to come into his presence, to his table, and that he will