Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/271

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

Ignatius, who was cast to the lions; Romanus whose flesh was cut by pieces from his bones; and Polycarp, that played the man in the fire. There was he that was hanged up in a basket in the sun for the wasps to eat; and he whom they put into a sack, and cast into the sea to be drowned. It would be impossible utterly to count up all of that family who have suffered injuries and death for the love of a pilgrim's life. Nor can I but be glad to see that thy husband has left behind him four such boys as these. I hope they will bear up their father's name, and tread in their father's steps, and come to their father's end.

Great. Indeed, sir, they are likely lads; they seem to choose heartily their father's ways.

Gaius. That is it that I said. Wherefore Christian's family is like to spread abroad upon the face of the ground, and yet to be numerous upon the face of the earth; let Christiana look out some damsels for her sons, to whom they may be betrothed, etc, that the name of their father, and the house of his progenitors, may never be forgotten in the world.

Hon. Tis pity this family should fall and be extinct.

Gaius. Fall it cannot, but be diminished it may; but let Christiana take my advice, and that is the way to uphold it. And, Christiana, said this inn-keeper, I am glad to see thee and thy friend Mercy together here, a lovely couple. And if I may advise, take Mercy into a nearer relation to thee: if she will, let her be given to Matthew, thy eldest son. It is the way to preserve a posterity in the earth. So this match was concluded, and in precess of time they were married; but more of that hereafter.

Gaius also proceeded, and said, I will now speak on the behalf of women, to take away their reproach. For as death and the curse came into the world by a woman, so also did life and health, "God sent forth his son, made of a woman." (Gen. iii. Gal. iv. 4.) Yea, to show how much those that came after did abhor the act of their mother, this