Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/298

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

that I had been torn in pieces before I had, to save my life, lost my soul! And another said, If I were to live again, how would I deny myself, rather than come to this place! Then there was as if the very earth groaned and quaked under the feet of this young woman for fear. So she looked white, and came trembling away, saying, Blessed be he and she that are delivered from this place!

Now when the Shepherds had shown them all these things, then they had them back to the palace, and entertained them with what the house would afford. But Mercy, being a young and married woman, longed for something that she saw there, but was ashamed to ask. Her mother-in-law then asked her what she ailed, for she looked as one not well. Then said Mercy, There is a looking-glass hangs up in the dining-room, of which I cannot take my mind: if, therefore, I have it not, I think I shall miscarry. Then said her mother, I will mention thy wants to the Shepherds, and they will not deny it thee. But she said, I are ashamed that these men should know that I longed. Nay, my daughter, said she, it is no shame, but a virtue to long for such a thing as that. So Mercy said, Then; mother, if you please, ask the Shepherds if they are willing to sell it.

Now the glass was one of a thousand. It would present a man,one way, with his own features exactly; and, turn it but another way, and it would show one the very face and similitude of the Prince of pilgrims himself. Yes, I have talked with them that can tell, and they have said that they have seen the very crown of thorns upon his head, by looking in that glass; they have therein also seen the holes in his hands, his feet; and his side. Yea, such an excellency is there in this glass that it will show him to one where they have a mind to see him, whether living or dead; whether in earth or in heaven; whether in a state of humiliation, or in his, exaltation; whether coming to suffer, or coming to reign. (James. i 23–25; 1 Cor. xiii 12; 2 Cor. iii 18.)