Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/334

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Humility, true, 213; the shepherd boy's song of, 244; a sweet grace, 245.

Ill-Favoured ones, the two, 199; odiously assault Christiana and Mercy, 199.

Ill-Will, Mn, casts dirt upon the man clothed in White, 292.

Inconsiderate, Mrs., condemns Christiana, 190.

Innocence, Mount, one of the Delectable Mountains, 292.

Innocent, a damsel in Interpreter's house, 203.

Interpreter, house of the, 202;

Christiana in, 202; Significant Rooms of, 204; the man with the muck-rake, 204; the spider on the wall, 205; hen and chickens, 206; the butcher and the sheep, 207; the flowers and the wheat, 207, 209; robin and spider, 208; the rotten tree, 209; the bath of Sanctification, 212; the seal, 213.

Jacob's Ladder, in. Palace Beautiful, 239.

James, "a son of Christiana," catechised by Prudence, 230; marries Phebe, daughter of Gains, 276.

Joseph, a son of Christiana, catechised by Prudence, 230; marries Martha, daughter of Mr. Mnason, 284.

Justification by Christ, 215.

King's Gardens,the, 1311.

King's Highway, the, 225, 240.

Know nothing, Mrs., is doubtful of Christiana's sincerity or going on pilgrimage, 189.

Lechery, Mrs, a companion of Madam Wanton, 190.

Light-mind, Mrs, abhors serious talk, 190.

Linger-after-lust, fate of, 219.

Lions, the, Mr. Great-heart opposes, 224.

Lodge, the porter's, at Palace Beautiful, 225.

Love-saints, Mr., a friend of Mr. Mnason in Vanity town, 281.

Love-the-flesh, Mrs, a companion of Madam Wanton, 190.

Martha, daughter of Mr. Mnason of Vanity town, is married to Joseph, 284.

Martyrs, some notable, 266, 267.

Marvel, Mount, one of the Delectable Mountains, 292.

Matthew, son of Christiana, catechised by Prudence, 231; eats forbidden fruit, 199; falls sick, 234; is cured by Mr. Skill, 235; marries Mercy, 270.

Maul, Giant, vanquished by Mr. Great-heart, 250.

Mercy visits Christiana, 186; is induced to go on pilgrimage, 190; her song, 192; faints at the wicket-gate, 195; odiously assaulted by two ill-favoured ones, 199; compared to Ruth, 212; her dream in the Palace Beautiful, 228; courted by Mr. Brisk, 233; her resolution, a 234; blessed by Mr. Honest, 255; married to Matthew, 270; longeth for the Word, 294.

Messenger, the Celestial, summons to the presence of the King—Christiana, 312; Mr. Ready-to-halt, 314; Mr. Feeble-mind, 315; Mr. Despondency and his daughter Much-afraid, 315; Mr. Honest, 316; Mr. Valiant-for-truth, 316; Mr. Standfast, 317.

Ministers should fetch their doctrine from the Word of God, 237.

Mistrust, punishment of, 223.

Mnason, an old disciple, entertains