Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk3.djvu/83

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Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.

ence, so he is our righteousness and sanctification before God. Here, therefore, I lived for some time very sweetly at peace with God through Christ. Oh, methought, Christ! Christ! there was nothing but Christ that was before my eyes. I was not now only for looking upon this and the other benefits of Christ apart, as of his blood, burial, or resurrection, but considering him as a whole Christ, as he in whom all these, and all other his Virtues, relations, offices, and operations met together, and that he sat on the right hand of God in heaven.

232. 'Twas glorious to me to see his exaltation, and the worth and prevalency of all his benefits, and that because now I could look from myself to him, and would reckon that all those graces of God that now were green on me were yet like those cracked greats and fourpence-halfpennies that rich men carry in their purses when their gold is in their trunks at home. Oh, I saw my gold was in my trunk at home—in Christ my Lord and Saviour! Now Christ was all—all my righteousness, all my sanctification, and all my redemption.

233. Further, the Lord did also lead me into the mystery of union with the Son of God that I was joined to him, that I was flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone; and now was that a sweet word to me in Eph. v. 30. By this also was my faith in him as my righteousness the mere confirmed in me; for if he and I were one, then his righteousness was mine, his merits mine, his victory also mine. Now could I see myself in heaven and earth at once—in heaven by my Christ, by my Head, by my righteousness and life, though on earth by body or person.

234. Now I saw. Christ Jesus was looked upon of God, and should also be looked-upon by us, as that commoner public person in whom all the whole body of his elect are always to be considered and reckoned; that we fulfilled the law by him, died by him, rose from the dead by him, got the victory over sin, death, the devil, and hell by him; when he died, we died; and so of his resurrection, "Thy dead men shall live, together