Page:The Pilgrims' March.djvu/52

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truth. If there has been a weakening of the control which the Indian National Congress has established let the fact be clearly admitted so it was admitted. May I not point out with equal force and with equal truth that every case of violence such as was practised in Bombay proves, and must prove, the failure of the bureaucracy to that extent? If such violence proves that the Congress had lost its hold on those who were guilty of violence, to my mind it proves as convincingly that the bureaucracy also had lost its control.

This brings out the real issue. I state it once again so that my countrymen may realise its deeper significance. The struggle for Swaraj is a struggle for this control. The India of today is a country of opposing claims and uncertain control. The Indian National Congress claims to hold the country. The bureaucracy makes the same claim. Are we right? Are they right? The coming events must furnish the answer.


“Our duty is clear. The Indian National Congress has declared that Swaraj is our only goal and that Non Co-operation is the only method by which to reach that goal. Whatever