Page:The Pinafore Picture Book.djvu/164

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news, and, expecting that she was about to reveal something that would entirely alter the aspect of affairs, they muttered to each other:

Now this is most alarming—
When she was young and charming
She practised baby-farming
A many years ago!

<< \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
\override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = ##f
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key e \minor \partial 8 \relative b { \autoBeamOff
  b8 | g' g r fis4 fis8 | e4. r8 r b8^\< | a'4 a8 g4 g8 | \break
  fis8^\> b r r4\! b,8 | g'4 g8 fis4 fis8 | e4. r4 e8 | 
  f4 f8 dis4 dis8 | e e r } }
\addlyrics { \set Stanza = #"1. " A ma -- ny years a -- go, When I was young and char -- ming, As some of you may know, I prac -- tis'd ba -- by -- farm -- ing. }
\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff { \override GrandStaff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f \key e \minor \relative g' {
  r8 | <g e b> r r <fis dis a> r r | <e g,> r r r4 r8 |
  <a fis b,> r r <g e b> r r | <fis dis b> r r r4 r8 |
  <g e b> r r <fis dis b> r r | <e b> r r r4 r8 |
  <f c a> r r <dis b fis> r r | <e b g> r r } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key e \minor
  r8 | <e e,> r r q r r | q r r r4 r8 |
  <dis dis,>8 r r <e e,> r r | b, r r r4 r8 |
  <e e,> r r <b, b,,> r r <g, g,,> r r r4 r8 |
  <a, a,,> r r <b, b,,> r r | <e e,> r r } >>
By special permission of the publishers. Metzler & Co., Ltd.