Page:The Pinafore Picture Book.djvu/77

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(Between ourselves, I think this last suggestion was rather silly, for he was addressing people who had already gone to sea, and consequently could not possibly act on his advice. But I'm afraid that Sir Joseph, though a very distinguished man, was, like a good many other very distinguished men, a bit of a goose.)

"You've a remarkably fine crew, Captain Corcoran," said Sir Joseph when he had finished his song, and was quite sure that they didn't want him to sing it again.

"It is a fine crew," said Captain Corcoran.

"I hope you treat them kindly, Captain Corcoran?"

"Indeed, I hope so, Sir Joseph."

"No bullying, I trust; no strong language of any kind?"

"Oh never, Sir Joseph!"

"What, never?" said Sir Joseph, who had heard rumours to the contrary.

The Captain's eye met those of some of his crew, who shook their fingers significantly at him.

"Well, hardly ever," said the Captain, "they are an excellent crew, and do their work thoroughly without it."