Page:The Pinafore Picture Book.djvu/79

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"I am the last person to insult a British sailor, Sir Joseph," said he.

"You are the last person who did," said Sir Joseph, snappishly.

I feel quite sorry for Captain Corcoran, who really meant as well as possible. He was a much truer gentleman than Sir Joseph, though I can't quite forget that unfortunate remark of his about being related to a Peer.

During this conversation, Ralph Rackstraw had assumed in succession several of his choicest attitudes, and these naturally attracted Sir Joseph's attention.

"Captain Corcoran," said he, "desire that splendid seaman to step forward."

"Rackstraw," said the Captain, "three paces to the front, march!"

Sir Joseph pretended to be greatly shocked at this abrupt command.

"If what?" said Sir Joseph very sternly.

The Captain was puzzled.

"I beg your pardon," said he, "I don't quite understand.

"If you please," said Sir Joseph, with a very strong emphasis on the "please."