Page:The Pinafore Picture Book.djvu/99

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"Then—you reject me?" said he.

"Sir," said she, "you forget the disparity in our ranks."

"I forget nothing, haughty girl," said Ralph. "Give me hope, and what I lack in education and polite accomplishments, I will endeavour to acquire. Drive me to despair, and in death alone I shall look for consolation. I am proud, and cannot stoop to implore. I have spoken and I await your word."

As he finished, he assumed an attitude of such extraordinary dignity that Josephine was on the point of saying "Take me and be happy," but the noble girl called all her resolution to her aid, and haughtily replied:

"You shall not wait long—your proffered love I contemptuously reject. Go, sir, and learn to cast your eyes on some village maiden in your own poor rank—they should be lowered before your Captain's daughter!"

And so saying, with the tell-tale tears streaming down her face, she strode magnificently to her cabin, where she almost sobbed her little heart out. Poor Josephine!

Ralph Rackstraw was furious. In defiance of all