Page:The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778).djvu/108

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Andria, the first Comedy of Terence, by Maurice Kyffin, 4to.1588 Terence in English, by Richard Bernard, 4to. Cambridge[1]1598 Flowers of Terence1591


Seneca his Tenne Tragedies[2], translated into Englysh by different Translators, 4to. Lond.1581 Seneca's Forme and Rule of Honest Living, by Rob. Whyttington, 8vo.1546 Seven Bookes of Benefyting[3], by Arthur Golding, 4to.1577


Livius (Titus[4]) and other Authores Historie of Annibal and Scipio, tranflated into English, by Anthony Cope, Esquier, B. L. 4to. Lond.1545

    Pray you to correct where faut shal be found
    And of our matter so here is the ground.

    In the metrical peroration to this piece, is the following stanza:

    Wherfore the translatours now require you this
    Yf ought be amys ye wold consyder
    The Englysh almost as short as the Latten is
    And still to kepe ryme a dyffycult matter
    To make the sentence opynly to appere
    Which if it had a long expocysion
    Then were it a comment and no translacyon.

  1. At Stationer's hall in 1597, “the second comedy of Terence, called Eunuchus was entered by W. Leake; and the first and second comedie in 1600.
  2. In the first volume of the entries of the Stationers' company, Aug. 1579, Rich. Jones, and John Charlewood entered the 4th tragedie of Seneca. And again all the ten in 1581.
  3. In the first volume of the entries in the books of the Stationers’ company is the following, “March 26, 1579, Seneca de Beneficiis in Englyshe”
  4. In the first volume of the entries in the books of the Stationers' company, anno 1597, is the following note, “Memorandum that Mr. Alexander Nevill, Gent, is appointed to translate Titus Livius into the Englyshe tongue: expressed, the same is not to be printed, by anie man, but only such as shall have his translacion.” Again, in 1598, “The history of Titus Livius" was entered by Adam Islip.