Page:The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778).djvu/110

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De Bello Civili, by Do. three Bookes. Fol.1609 Do. by Chapman1604


The Hist. of Justine, &c. by A. G. [Arthur Golding] Lond. 4to.1564 and 1578 Do. by Dr. Phil. Holland1606 Do. by G. W. with an Epitomie of the Lives, &c. of the Romaine Emperors, from Aurelius Victor, fol.1606


The Historie of Quintus Curtius, &c. translated, &c. by John Brende, 4to. Lond.1553 Other Editions were in1561, 1584, 1570, 1592[1]


Eutropius englished, by Nic. Haward, 8vo.1564


Ammianus Marcellinus, translated by Dr. P. Holland; Lond. fol.1609


Cicero’s Familiar Epistles, by J. Webbe, fm. date Certain select Epistles into English, by Abra. Flemming, 4to. Lond.1576 Those Fyve Questions which Marke Tullye Cicero disputed in his Manor of Tusculanum, &c. &c. Englyshed by John Dolman, fm. 8vo. Lond.1561 [2] Marcus Tullius Cicero, three Bookes of Duties, tourned

  1. In the Stationers’ books this or some other translation of the same author was entered by Richard Tottell, Feb. 1582, and again by Tho. Creede, &c. 1599.
  2. Mattaire says [Ann. Typog. B. 5. 290.] “In florulentâ tituli margunculâ (vulgo vignette) superiore, inscribitur 1534.” This was a wooden Block used by the Printer Tottel, for many Books in small 8vo. and by no means determines their Date. There may however, have been some earlier translation than any here enumerated, as in Sir Tho. Elyot’s Boke named the Governaur, 1537, is mentioned “the worke of Cicero, called in Latine De Officiis, whereunto yet is no propre English worde, &c.”