Page:The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778).djvu/290

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were ſubmitted to the preſs, without the conſent of the author.

1. Titus Andronicus, 1589.
2. Love's Labour Lost, 1591.
3. First Part of King Henry VI. 1591.
4. Second Part of King Henry VI. 1592.
5. Third Part of King Henry VI. 1592.
6. Pericles, 1592.
7. Locrine, 1593.
8. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1593.
9. The Winter’s Tale, 1594.
10. A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1595.
11. Romeo and Juliet, 1595.
12. The Comedy of Errors, 1596.
13. Hamlet, 1596.
14. King John, 1596.
15. King Richard II. 1597.
16. King Richard III. 1597.
17. First Part of King Henry IV. 1597.
18. The Merchant of Venice, 1598.
19. All's Well that End’s Well, 1598.
20. Sir John Oldcaſtle, 1598.
21. Second Part of King Henry IV. 1598.
22. King Henry V. 1599.
23. The Puritan, 1600.
24. Much Ado about Nothing, 1600.
25. As You Like It. 1600.
26. Merry Wives of Windsor, 1601.
27. King Henry VIII. 1601.
28. Life and Death of Lord Cromwell, 1602.
29. Troilus and Cressida, 1602.
30. Measure for Measure, 1603.
31. Cymbeline, 1604.
32. The London Prodigal, 1605.
33. King Lear, 1605.
34. Macbeth, 1606.
35. The Taming of the Shrew, 1606.
36. Julius Cæsar, 1607.
37. A Yorkſhire Tragedy, 1608.
38. Antony and Cleopatra, 1608.
39. Coriolanus, 1609.
40. Timon of Athens, 1610.
41. Othello,