Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/330

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Something of the spell that had been upon him returned; and he wished again, as he had wished at Tizi-Ouzou on the first stage of their journey, that this dreamlike wandering with her might be for ever. But by the time he realized that this was his true desire, and spoke of it to her, the second afternoon of their two days of mild motoring from Bougie was on the wane; Biskra was not many kilometres ahead of them, and, although the car had run smoothly, Mme. Momoro had begun to look a little fatigued.

"I do wish that," he said. "I wish we could go straight on down into the Desert and never turn back."

"It is difficult motoring," she returned. "And what of the dramas you write? Won't you be expected to come back to New York some day to write new ones?"

"I suppose so. It seems pretty far away and unreal—all that—and insignificant. If I should go back——"


"I suppose since your conscience won't let you marry again——"

"No. Not even if I were honoured by an invitation!"