Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/355

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waiting at this oasis, sure of charming and enslaving him. Biskra might have strange surprises for industrial princes, whether of seagirt Carthage or a boosters' town on the Midland prairie.

"I'd just like to know what he's got to say for himself!" Mrs. Tinker exclaimed, as the caravan stopped before the hotel and her husband and his guests were assisted to descend. "Let's go down and see, Mrs. Shuler. I only hope he's tired enough to lie down awhile for a nap before dinner."

Her hope was a vain one; for they were met at the base of the tower by Tinker, divested of his burnous, supplied with a hat and in lively spirits. He came briskly out upon the roof arm-in-arm with a middle-aged companion of his own sex and similar nativity. "Look here, Mamma!" he shouted. "Mr. Shuler saw what I've got for you downstairs, and he says his wife's goin' to be mighty jealous. I had 'em carried to your room for you; and you and Baby'll find 'em laid out on your bed, I expect. You might pick out a shawl for Mrs. Shuler while you're at it. Anyhow, you better go look at 'em."

"There'll be time enough for that by-and-by," his wife returned severely. "We came up here to see the sunset and I certainly don't want any more shawls