Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/408

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dragomen at the door. Just tell Papa you've come on an urgent message from me, and get him aside and tell him for heaven's sake not to deny he was walking with her before dinner. And tell him——"

She stopped abruptly. Before her there was a second door of rose-coloured glass, giving admission from the ground-floor corridors; and what checked her instructions was the opening of this door. The person who opened it was Tinker, a little flushed with his consumption of cous-cous, accompanied by Burgundy; in high fettle over his skittish performance, as Olivia had predicted; and also pleased, it might have been guessed, because of some charming things he had been hearing about himself. His comely broad face, pleasantly pink and smiling, brightened even more at the sight of his former table companion of the "Duumvir," and he advanced with a cordial hand extended. "Well, well, well, Mr. Ogle!" he exclaimed. "I'm mighty glad to see you again. I just been out to try some o' this celebrated Arab Koos Koos, and I certainly been havin' a grand——"

"Papa!" Olivia cried. "Go away from here. Go quickly!"

"What? What do you want me to go 'way for? What's the——"