Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/410

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I DID, indeed," Mrs. Tinker answered dangerously. "Indeed, I did!"

"Well, that's all right then," he returned, beaming upon her. "That's fine!"

"Oh, it is?" she said. "Indeed?"

If he had needed warning other than that of her flushed, unsmiling face, it was in her voice; and undoubtedly he realized that all was not well with him domestically. In his hand he held a long cigar, just lighted, which he was about to place between his lips; but his hand wavered upon its way, and, coughing sonorously, he dropped the cigar upon an ash tray. Then, with the ostrich optimism of uneasy men confronted by such warnings, he offered mere loquacity as an alibi for himself and a sedative for her. "Well, I certainly am glad you got my note all right," he said heartily. "You see, I been kind of anxious to try some o' this Koos Koos for quite a while, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity. I didn't want you to worry about me or anything, of course; and I