Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/490

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and I don't know what all, just the way you got all these Mohammedans and Catholics and probably a good many others over here. Well, you say this man here—— Wha'd you say his name was?"

"Saint Augustine."

"'Saint,'" Tinker repeated reflectively. "Catholic, I expect. He isn't in the Bible, is he?"

"Bible? No! Fourth Century! He was Bishop. He wrote the great 'Confessions.' He has establish' the doctrine of original sin. He has establish' that if a child is not baptize' it is to go to hell."

"Oh, that's it, is it?" Tinker appeared to be greatly enlightened. "I see. Well, sir, that's just like my own father. He was an old-time Presbyterian."

"No, no! Saint Augustine is not Presbyterian. He is old Christian—of the old Church. He——"

"Never mind," Tinker said. "I meant my father was a Presbyterian, not this old fellow here; but it looks like they believed a good deal the same way." He looked reflectively at the round stone platform, nicked the end of a cigar with a small gold instrument upon his thin watch chain, shook his head, and remarked pleasantly, "Out o' date."

"Sir? Saint Augustine is buried fifteen hundred years ago."