Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/504

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Mrs. Tinker continued to weep; but her sobbing subsided, not impeding her utterance. "Yes, he knew what to do. He always does, and it's always the same thing. The only thing on earth he knows how to do is to hand out money!"

"But it wasn't the money that stopped them;—he just threw them the money besides. It was that tremendous yell when he told them to get out. I never heard anything like it. They knew they had to, of course. Heavens! I think it would have stopped a war."

"He thinks he can do anything with just making a noise," Mrs. Tinker said; and then to save her consistency she added: "And handing out money! That's his one remedy for everything in the world—throwing people money!"

"Listen!" Tinker said; and he spoke with the feeble irascibility of a badgered man who feels that the badgering is rightful and warranted. "It works, doesn't it? All I got to say, it works. It did, didn't it?"

"Let me tell you," the unhappy lady returned fiercely, "there are some times when it won't! There are a few things you've done that all the money in the world wouldn't——"