Page:The Pocket Songster.djvu/170

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Come my lassie, let us stray
O'er Glenkilloch's sunny brae,
Blythely spend the gowden day,
'Midst joys that never weary O.

Towering o'er the Newton woods,
Lav'rocks fan the snaw-white clouds,
Siller saughs, with downy buds,
Adorn the banks sae briery O;
Round the sylvan fairy nooks,
Feathery breckans fringe the rocks,
'Neath the brae the burnie jouks,
And ilka thing is cheery O;
Trees may bud, and birds may sing,
Flowers may bloom, and verdure spring,
Joy to me they canna' bring,
Unless wi' thee, my dearie O. Tannahill.


What can a young lassie, what shall a young lassie,
What can a young lassie do wi' an auld man?
Bad luck on the penny that tempted my minnie
To sell her poor Jenny for siller an' lan'!
Bad luck on the penny, &c.

He's always compleenin' frae mornin' to e'enin',
He hosts and he hirples the weary day lang;
He's doy'lt and he's dozin, his blude it is frozen,
O, dreary's the night wi' a crazy auld man!