Page:The Poems of Sappho (1924).djvu/156

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Beau, Gabriel. La Grèce Poétique. Anacréon-Sappho. [Pp. 81–97.] Bion-Moschus-Théocrite. Paris, 1884. 12mo.

Pomtow, Joh. Poetae Lyrici Graeci minores, vol. i, pp. 100–116, 341, 342. Leipzig, 1885. 2 vols., 16mo.

Vries, S. G. de. Epistula Sapphus ad Phaonem apparatu critico instructa, commentario illustrata, et Ovidio vindicata. An inaugural dissertation for the doctorate. Pp. ix, 155. Leyden, 1885. 8vo.

Paulidos Joacheim, J., of Lesbos, Ph.D. Σαπφώ ἥ Μυτιληναία Inaugural-Dissertion zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde der hohen philisophischen Facultät der Universität Erlangen vorgelegt. Leipzig, 1885. 8vo.

Wharton, H. T. Sappho: Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings, etc. By Henry Thornton Wharton, M.A. London, 1885. 8vo. Reprinted several times.

Comparetti, Professor Domenico. Sappho nelle Antiche Rappresentanze Vascolari. Published in the Museo Italiano di Antichita Classica, pp. 41–80, with 4 plates. Firenze, 1886. 4to.

Palgrave, Francis Turner, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. A Lecture on Poetry and the other Fine Arts, The National Review, Oct. 1887, vol. x, pp. 202–218.

Luniak (Lunak), John, Phil. Mag. Quaestiones Sapphicae; accedit Corallarium criticum atque exegeticum ad Ovidi-