Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/108

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Ore muscadine or spiced ale
She carrold soote as nightingale;
And for the nonce couth rowle her eyne
Withouten speche; a special signe
She lack'd somedele of what ech dame
Holds dere as life, yet dredes to name: 30
So was eftsoons by Isaac won
To blissful consummation.
Here mought I now tellen the festes,
Who yave the bryde, how bibb'd the ghestes;
But withouten such gawdes I trow 35
Myne legend is prolix ynow.
Ryghte wele areeds Dan Prior's song,
A tale shold never be too long;
And sikerly in-fayre Englond
None bett doeth taling understond. 40
She now, algates full sad to chaunge
The citee for her husbond's graunge,
To Kent mote; for she wele did knowe
'Twas vaine ayenst the streme to rowe.
So wend they on one steed yfere, 45
Ech cleping toder life and dere;
Heven shilde hem fro myne Bromley host,
Or many a groat theyr meel woll cost.
Deem next ye. Maistress Wover sene
Yclad in sable bombasine; 50
The Frankeleins wyves accost her blythe,
Curteis to guilen hem of tythe;