Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/125

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"By slow consumption, thro' the gates of Death 181
"Prone did you pass? or by Diana's dart
"Transfix'd, a sudden fate? My hoary sire,
"Survives he? Is my bloomy son possess'd
"Of my domain? or groans it now beneath 185
"Usurping pow'rs, who lord it uncontroll'd,
"Thoughtless of my return? My consort dear,
"Abides she with my son, of all his rights
"A guardian regent? or, no longer mine,
"Hath she been won to plight connubial vows?" 190
The venerable shade thus answer'd mild:
"Still in your regal dome your spouse abides
"Disconsolate, with ever-flowing eyes
"Wailing your absence; and your son, possess'd
"Of principality, with his compeers, 195
"Bounteous of soul, free intercourse maintains
"Of social love. Beneath a sylvan lodge,
"Far from the cheerful steps of men, your fire
"Lives inconsolable, on gorgeous beds,
"With rich embroidery spread, and purple palls, 200
"No more indulging sweet repose; but, clad
"In coarse attire, couch'd with his village hinds,
"On the warm hearth he sleeps when winter reigns
"Inclement, till the circling months return
"New-rob'd in flow'ring verdure; then the vines
"High interwove a green pavilion form, 206
"Where, pillow'd on the leaves, he mourns for you
"Nocturnal, to th' unfriendly damp of age