Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/132

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Translations, &c.
"Delighted ye partake, give not too soon
"Him signal of departure, but prepare,
"With no penurious hand, proportion'd gifts,
"Vying in bounteous deeds, since Heav'n hath show'r'd 380
"Your peerage with abundant favours boon.”
Up rose Echeneus then, whose wavy locks,
Silver'd with age, adorn'd his rev'rend brow,
Fraught with maturest counsel, and began
Addressing his compeers: "Rightful and wise 385
"The queen's proposal is; let none demur
"Obedience to her will: Alcinous best
"By fair ensample may prescribe the rule."
Alcinous from his bed of state reply'd,
With aspect bland: "While here I live enthron'd,
"Jove's delegate of empire, and this hand 391
"Sways the Phæacian sceptre, will I cheer
"Th' erroneous and afflicted with meet acts
"Of regal bounty; but our princely guest
"Must, tho' impatient, for a time defer 395
"His voyage, that with due munificence
"Our gifts may be prepar'd. Let all accord
"Benevolent, and free to furnish stores
"Worthy acceptance; me you shall confess
"The first in bounty as the first in pow'r." 400
He ended, and Ulysses answer'd blithe:
"O thou! by kingly virtues justly rais'd
"To this imperial eminence; by thee