Page:The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag.djvu/59

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Tell the long story to yon clinging vine,
On that proud sentinel, the wind-swayed pine;
In whispers tell the tinted flowers that spring
Close to the banks where your swift waters sing;
Tell the green groves by balmy winds caressed,
Where twittering wrens and chirping robins nest;
Why be so loath your secrets to unfold,
Ere time shall leave your gorges dry and old?
Some fateful day the sage will seek in vain,
Where now your ripples run, a numerous train;
And many a weed and thorn will lift its head
O'er the mute pebbles of the arid bed.
So speak, thou cataract, while time remains,
And I will spread thy fame in Doric strains;
Thy wondrous tale to millions shall be dear,
And generations yet unborn shall hear!
When glacial cohorts on the heights arrayed,
In icy wonder watched thy tall cascade;
With deadly purpose scanned thy gorge below,
And stalked with hypoborean skill the foe;
Didst chant a warning, and the glaciers greet
With prophecies of peril and defeat?
On sunny plains to Phoebus wont to yield,
They left their rocky bones strewn o'er the Held!
And when the Red Man in primeval pride
In admiration sought thy pine-clad side;
In each white spray a Manitou to trace,
And bow before the spirit of the place;
Didst thou to him thy secret then relate,
And tell the copper visitor thy fate!
See Cossayuna, stately, gray and tall.
With question grave, address the waterfall;
"You tell me some," he grunts, "Me tell you more,"
But naught is heard above the mighty roar.
Then lovely Minnewawa, she whose eyes
Gleam brighter than the stars of midnight skies;
'You tell," she says, "the many things you know;
"Me tell you Indian lore of long ago.
"Your rocks and torrents I'll preserve to fame,
"And your proud falls, Dionondawa name!"
Then spake the rocks, whose ancient lips so long
Had lain in silence, dumb to speech and song;
With thunderous accents they the records read,,
Kept through uncounted years of varied dead;
"Behold our sides, by time's sharp chisel rent
"When Nature rocked the rising continent,
"Dark were the thick veiled skies, no sound was heard
"Save the black Vulcan's subterranean word.
"The sooty Cyclops, with gigantic might
"Heaved up the rocks from realms of Stygian night,
"Plutonian silence and Cimmerian pall
"In hideous mantle shroud and cover all;
"In sunless, moonless, starless, soundless space,
"A new world joins the planetary race,
"Then falls the fiat as the Almighty speaks,
"A rift of light through the deep vapor breaks—
"Sun, moon, and stars their wonted paths assume,
"And ordered heaven supplants the primal gloom.
"We gaze above, where circling seraphim
"Induct a foaming torrent o'er our brim;