Page:The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag.djvu/90

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Thus will it be in future time,
  Thy presence ever luminous beaming,
The while thou tell'st in beryl rhyme
  The winsome wonders of thy dreaming;
The queen of night thy path will strew
  With blossoms from the bow'rs Elysian,
And thou wilt sing amidst the dew,
  Rose-crowned and young, a fadeless vision!
H. P. Lovecraft.

On a Poet's Ninety-First Birthday

(To Jonathan Hoag, Esq., February 10, 1922)

Blessings on thy natal day,
Lighter of the lengthened way!
Gorgeous by thy brother sun,
As thou turnest ninety-one!

Kindled in a happier time,
Burneth still thy torch sublime,
Destin'd for our joy to save
All that former ages gave.

Pure as crystal is the light;
Restful to the weary sight;
Would that all the world might shine,
Scriba, with such rays as thine;

Long hath been thy fulgent course,
Leading beauty from the source;
Grateful bow'rs their praise declare,
Sweeter for thy passing there.

And as now the years increase,
May thy beaming never cease;
Let the gold of evening glow
Like the morn of long ago!

Happy he whose eye may scan
Such a full, benignant span;
Years of song thou strew'st behind,
Like gay blossoms in the wind.

Youth and grace attend thy tread,
Fresh bays deck thy silver'd head;
Nor can springtime's note depart
From the tune within thy heart.

So as stars of evening hold
All the deep'ning sunset's gold;
Thou thy path mayst e'er prolong,
Vital in thy shining song!
H. P. Lovecraft.