Page:The Poetical Works of Thomas Parnell (1833).djvu/169

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She won Lavinia for her warlike son,
And winning her, the Latian empire won.
She gave to Mars the maid, whose honoured womb
Swell'd with the founder of immortal Rome:
Decoy'd by shows the Sabine dames she led,
And taught our vigorous youth the means to wed.
Hence sprung the Romans, hence the race divine,
Through which great Cæsar draws his Julian line.
Let those love now, who never lov'd before;
Let those who always lov'd, now love the more.

In rural seats the soul of Pleasure reigns;
The life of Beauty fills the rural scenes;
E'en Love, if fame the truth of Love declare,
Drew first the breathings of a rural air.
Some pleasing meadow pregnant Beauty prest,
She laid her infant on its flowery breast;
From nature's sweets he sipp'd the fragrant dew,[1]

  1. Moxque Marti de sacello dat pudicam virginem;
    Romuleas ipsa fecit cum Sabinis nuptias;
    Unde Ramnes et Quirites, proque prole posterum
    Romuli matrem crearet et nepotem Cæsarem.
    Cras amet, qui numquam amavit; quique
    amavit, cras amet.
    Rura fœcundat voluptas: rura Venerem sentiunt.
    Ipse Amor puer Dionæ rure natus dicitur.
    Hunc ager, cum parturiret ipsa, suscepit sinu;