Page:The Poets and Poetry of the West.djvu/253

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1830-40.] WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE. 237 Let us, like that grim old Sea- King, Smile at Death upon the plain : Smile at tyrants leagued with falsehood, Knowing Truth, eternal, stands With the Book, God wrote for Freedom, Always open in her hands ; , Smile at fear when in our duty ; Smile at Slander's Jotun-breath ; Smile upon our shrouds when summoned Down the darkling deep of Death. Valor only grows a manhood — Only this upon our sod Keeps us in the golden shadow Falling from the throne of God. THE AMERICAN BANNER. Flag of the valiant and the tried ! Where Marion fought and Warren died ; Flag of the mountain and the lake ! Of rivers rolling to the sea In that broad grandeur fit to make The symbols of eternity ! 0, fairest flag ! O, dearest land ! Who shall your banded children sever? God of our fathers ! here we stand, From Plymouth's rock to Georgia's strand — Heart pressed to heart, hand linked in hand — And swear — " The Union lives forever ! " n. Still, untorn banner of the free, The nations turn with hope to thee ! And when at home thy shadow falls Along the armory's trophied walls, The ancient trumpets long for breath, The dinted sabers fiercely start To vengeance from each clanging sheath. As if they sought some traitor's heart! 0, sacred banner of the brave ! O, standard of ten thousand ships ! O, guardian of Mount Vernon's grave ! Come, let us press thee to our lips ! There is a trembling of the rocks — New England feels the patriot-shocks ; There is a trembling of the lakes — The West, with all the South awakes ; And lo ! on high the glorious shade Of Washington lights all the gloom, And points unto these words, arrayed In lines of fire around his tomb: "Americans ! your fathers shed Their blood to rear the Union's fane ; For this their fearless banners spread On many a gory plain. Americans ! O, will ye dare. On mountain, prairie, valley, flood. By hurling down their glorious gift. To desecrate that blood ? The right shall live while Faction dies ; All traitors draw a fleeting breath ; But patriots drink from God's own eyes Truth's light, that conquers death!" Then, dearest flag and dearest land, Who shall your banded children sever ? God of our fathers ! here we stand. From Plymouth's rock to Georgia's strand — Heart pressed to heart, hand linked in hand — And swear — " The Union lives forever."