Page:The Poets and Poetry of the West.djvu/585

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1850-60.] WILLIAM H. LYTLE. 569 Speaks to the nations of the Almighty Word Which at thy birth was stirred. Prophet subUme ! Wide on the morning's wings will float the chime Of martial horns ; yet 'mid the din, thy spell Shall sway me still — farewell. BRIGAND'S SONG. Through the Sierra's wild ravines An old grandee of Spain Is passing with his dark-eyed girls, And all his gorgeous train ; The spoil is rich, the guard is weak. The way is rough and long, So bathe your lips in foaming wine, And chant your parting song. Drink, brothers, drink, Drink, men, and away ; Adieu, senoras, in your smiles We'll bask before the day. The moon is in the azure skies. The stars are by her side, They glitter in her path of light. Like maids around a bride; Like night birds let us sally forth. Where booty may be won ; So whet the poniard's polished edge. And gird your carbines on. Arm, brothers, arm. Arm, men, and away ; Adieu, senoras, in your smiles AVe'll bask before the day. All hail to-night ; for since the world Was made, in times of old. The day has been for coward knaves, The night time for the bold ; Hark ! to the mule bells' distant chime, Our lady, grant a boon. That ere an hour the ring of steel May drown their jingling tune. Mount, brothers, mount. Mount, men, and away; Adieu, senoras, in your smile We'll bask before the day. To horse ! Hurra — with thundering press Over the plain we glide. Around the startled hamlet's edge And up the mountain side; With waving plumes and clanking spurs, We sweep along like wind ; Our beacon on the rugged cliff Is flaming far behind. Ride, brothers, ride, Ride, men, and away ; Adieu, senoras, in your smiles We'll bask before the day. SAILING ON THE SEA. " Where is my heart's dearest, Wliere can he be ? " " In his tall ship, Marguerite, Sailing on the sea ; Sailing with a gallant crew. Winds a-blowing free " — " Ah ! he vowed he soon would come Home, to wed with me ! " " Should he never. Marguerite, Come back to thee. You can find another love — I your love will be ; Then far away to Indian isles Let us quickly flee, Pine no more for truant hearts Sailing on the sea." Flashed her eyes in anger, Proudly turned she From the muffled cavalier, Bending on his knee.